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function tau = inversedynamic(robot, q, qd, qdd, grav, fext)


  TAU= INVERSEDYNAMIC: Compute inverse dynamics via recursive Newton-Euler
  formulation. TAU = INVERSEDYNAMIC(Q, QD, QDD, GRAV, FEXT) computes the
  required torques (N�m) and forces (N) required to instantaneally bring
  the arm to the specified state given by positions Q, speed QD,
  acceleration QDD. The gravity is expressed in the base coordinate
  system, typically defined as GRAV = [0 0 9.81]'. In addition, FEXT
  is a 6-vector [Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz] defining the forces and moments
  externally applied to the end-effector (in coordinates of the end effector's n-th DH

   Example of use:
   q=[0 0 0 0 0 0]
   qd=[0 0 0 0 0 0]
   qdd = [0 0 0 0 0 0]
   g=[0 0 9.81]';
   fext = [0 0 0 0 0 0]';
   puma560=load_robot('puma', '560');
    tau = inversedynamic(puma560, q, qd, qdd, g, fext)
   where: q is the position of the arm, qd the joint velocities and qdd
   the accelerations. The vector g defines the gravity in the base reference 
   system, whereas the vector fext = [fx fy fz Mx My Mz] defines the
   forces and moments acting on the end effector's reference system.

   Author: Arturo Gil Aparicio, arturo.gil@umh.es
   Bibliography: The algorithm has been implemented as is "ROBOT ANALYSIS. The mechanics of Serial and Parallel
        manipulators". Lung Weng Tsai. John Wiley and Sons, inc. ISBN:
        0-471-32593-7. pages: 386--391.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0002 %  TAU= INVERSEDYNAMIC: Compute inverse dynamics via recursive Newton-Euler
0003 %  formulation. TAU = INVERSEDYNAMIC(Q, QD, QDD, GRAV, FEXT) computes the
0004 %  required torques (N�m) and forces (N) required to instantaneally bring
0005 %  the arm to the specified state given by positions Q, speed QD,
0006 %  acceleration QDD. The gravity is expressed in the base coordinate
0007 %  system, typically defined as GRAV = [0 0 9.81]'. In addition, FEXT
0008 %  is a 6-vector [Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz] defining the forces and moments
0009 %  externally applied to the end-effector (in coordinates of the end effector's n-th DH
0010 %  system).
0011 %
0012 %   Example of use:
0013 %   q=[0 0 0 0 0 0]
0014 %   qd=[0 0 0 0 0 0]
0015 %   qdd = [0 0 0 0 0 0]
0016 %   g=[0 0 9.81]';
0017 %   fext = [0 0 0 0 0 0]';
0018 %   puma560=load_robot('puma', '560');
0019 %    tau = inversedynamic(puma560, q, qd, qdd, g, fext)
0020 %   where: q is the position of the arm, qd the joint velocities and qdd
0021 %   the accelerations. The vector g defines the gravity in the base reference
0022 %   system, whereas the vector fext = [fx fy fz Mx My Mz] defines the
0023 %   forces and moments acting on the end effector's reference system.
0024 %
0025 %   Author: Arturo Gil Aparicio, arturo.gil@umh.es
0026 %
0027 %   Bibliography: The algorithm has been implemented as is "ROBOT ANALYSIS. The mechanics of Serial and Parallel
0028 %        manipulators". Lung Weng Tsai. John Wiley and Sons, inc. ISBN:
0029 %        0-471-32593-7. pages: 386--391.
0030 %
0031 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0033 % Copyright (C) 2012, by Arturo Gil Aparicio
0034 %
0035 % This file is part of ARTE (A Robotics Toolbox for Education).
0036 %
0037 % ARTE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
0038 % it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
0039 % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
0040 % (at your option) any later version.
0041 %
0042 % ARTE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0043 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0045 % GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
0046 %
0047 % You should have received a copy of the GNU Leser General Public License
0048 % along with ARTE.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
0049 function tau = inversedynamic(robot, q, qd, qdd, grav, fext)
0050 tau = zeros(1,robot.DOF);
0052 if robot.debug
0053     fprintf('\nComputing inverse dinamics for the %s robot', robot.name);
0054 end
0056 %if the robot has not dynamic parameters, exit
0057 if ~robot.has_dynamics
0058     fprintf('\nRobot %s has not dynamic parameters set. Exiting', robot.name);
0059     return;
0060 end
0062 z0 = [0;0;1];
0064 %evaluate robot parameter DH table for current variable q
0065 theta = eval(robot.DH.theta);
0066 d = eval(robot.DH.d);
0067 a = eval(robot.DH.a);
0068 alfa = eval(robot.DH.alpha);
0069 n=length(theta);
0071 m = robot.dynamics.masses; % column vector with the mass of every link
0072 r_com = robot.dynamics.r_com; % position of the COM of each link, one row per link
0074 vdi = grav;    %linear acceleration, initially, consider only the gravity
0075 wi = zeros(3,1); %angluar speed
0076 wdi = zeros(3,1); %angular acceleration
0077 %vi = zeros(3,1); %linear velocity
0079 %Store forces and moments at the COM of each link
0080 F_com = [];
0081 N_com = [];
0083 %First compute motion forward from robot base
0084 % to the last link
0085 for j=1:n,
0086     A=dh(theta(j), d(j), a(j), alfa(j));
0088     R = A(1:3,1:3)'; %Note: compute the inverse by transpose
0089     %position vector of the origin of the ith link frame with respect to
0090     %the (i-i)th link frame
0091     ri = [a(j); d(j)*sin(alfa(j)); d(j)*cos(alfa(j))];
0093     if robot.kind(j) == 'R', %rotational axis
0094         wdi = R*(wdi + z0*qdd(j) + cross(wi,z0*qd(j)));
0095         wi = R*(wi + z0*qd(j));
0096         vdi = R*vdi + cross(wdi,ri) + cross(wi, cross(wi,ri));
0097     else% prismatic axis
0098         wi = R*wi;
0099         wdi = R*wdi;
0100         vdi = R*(vdi + z0*qdd(j)) + cross(wdi,ri) + cross(wi, cross(wi,ri)) + 2*cross(wi,R*z0*qd(j));
0101     end
0103     %Inertia matrix
0104     J = [robot.dynamics.Inertia(j,1) robot.dynamics.Inertia(j,4) robot.dynamics.Inertia(j,6);
0105         robot.dynamics.Inertia(j,4) robot.dynamics.Inertia(j,2) robot.dynamics.Inertia(j,5);
0106         robot.dynamics.Inertia(j,6) robot.dynamics.Inertia(j,5) robot.dynamics.Inertia(j,3)    ];
0107     %acceleration of the center of mass of link i
0108     v_comi = vdi + cross(wdi,r_com(j,:)') + cross(wi,cross(wi,r_com(j,:)'));
0109     % Force as Newton's law F=m*a of COM
0110     F = m(j)*v_comi;
0111     N = J*wdi + cross(wi,J*wi);
0112     F_com = [F_com F];
0113     N_com = [N_com N];
0114 end
0116 %  backward computations
0117 fi = fext(1:3);        % forces expressed in the last reference system
0118 ni = fext(4:6);     %moments at the last reference system.
0120 for j=n:-1:1,
0121     ri = [a(j); d(j)*sin(alfa(j)); d(j)*cos(alfa(j))];
0123     if j == n
0124         R=eye(3,3);
0125     else
0126         A=dh(theta(j+1), d(j+1), a(j+1), alfa(j+1));
0127         R=A(1:3,1:3);
0128     end
0129     ni = R*(ni + cross(R'*ri,fi)) + cross(ri+r_com(j,:)',F_com(:,j)) + N_com(:,j);
0130     fi = R*fi + F_com(:,j);
0132     A=dh(theta(j), d(j), a(j), alfa(j));
0133     R = A(1:3,1:3);
0135     if robot.kind(j) == 'R', %rotational joint
0136         tau(1,j) = ni'*(R'*z0) + robot.motors.G(j)^2*robot.motors.Inertia(j)*qdd(j);
0137     else % prismatic joint
0138         tau(1,j) = fi'*(R'*z0) + robot.motors.G(j)^2*robot.motors.Inertia(j)*qdd(j);
0139     end
0140     %add viscous friction in this case
0141     if robot.dynamics.friction
0142         %NOte: we account for two types of friction: viscous and coulomb
0143         tau(1,j) = tau(1,j) + friction(robot, qd, j);
0144     end
0145 end

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