Home > arte3.2.0 > robots > example > Delta > inversekinematic_DELTA3DOF.m





function q=inversekinematic_DELTA3DOF(robot,T)


 Inverse kinematics for the Delta 3DOF parallel robot
 The Delta robot is divided into three different 2DOF arms.

 T: homogeneous matrix
 robot: structure with arm parameters
 returns: all possible solutions for q = [Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8] 
 that place the end effectors at the position specified by T. 
 Any Qi is a 9 value vector that contains: 
 Qi=[theta1 beta1 delta1 theta2 beta2 delta2 theta3 beta3 delta3]'
 being theta1, beta1, delta1 the joint variables of the first arm
  and  theta2, beta2, delta2 the joint variables of the second arm
  and  theta3, beta3, delta3 the joint variables of the third arm

 Eight possible solutions q = [Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8],
 generally called elbow out and elbow in in eight different combinations for
 each of the three arms, as described in the following table:
               Arm 1       Arm 2      Arm 3
   Sol 1        0           0          0   
   Sol 2        0           0          1
   Sol 3        0           1          0
   Sol 4        0           1          1
   Sol 5        1           0          0
   Sol 6        1           0          1
   Sol 7        1           1          0
   Sol 8        1           1          1

       1: elbow out solution
       0: elbow in solution
   Author: Ángel Rodríguez
   Date: 18/12/2013


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0002 % Inverse kinematics for the Delta 3DOF parallel robot
0003 % The Delta robot is divided into three different 2DOF arms.
0004 %
0006 % T: homogeneous matrix
0007 % robot: structure with arm parameters
0008 % returns: all possible solutions for q = [Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8]
0009 % that place the end effectors at the position specified by T.
0010 % Any Qi is a 9 value vector that contains:
0011 % Qi=[theta1 beta1 delta1 theta2 beta2 delta2 theta3 beta3 delta3]'
0012 % being theta1, beta1, delta1 the joint variables of the first arm
0013 %  and  theta2, beta2, delta2 the joint variables of the second arm
0014 %  and  theta3, beta3, delta3 the joint variables of the third arm
0015 %
0016 % Eight possible solutions q = [Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8],
0017 % generally called elbow out and elbow in in eight different combinations for
0018 % each of the three arms, as described in the following table:
0019 %
0020 %               Arm 1       Arm 2      Arm 3
0021 %   Sol 1        0           0          0
0022 %   Sol 2        0           0          1
0023 %   Sol 3        0           1          0
0024 %   Sol 4        0           1          1
0025 %   Sol 5        1           0          0
0026 %   Sol 6        1           0          1
0027 %   Sol 7        1           1          0
0028 %   Sol 8        1           1          1
0029 %
0030 %       1: elbow out solution
0031 %       0: elbow in solution
0032 %   Author: Ángel Rodríguez
0033 %   Date: 18/12/2013
0034 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0036 % Copyright (C) 2012, by Arturo Gil Aparicio
0037 %
0038 % This file is part of ARTE (A Robotics Toolbox for Education).
0039 %
0040 % ARTE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
0041 % it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
0042 % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
0043 % (at your option) any later version.
0044 %
0045 % ARTE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0046 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0048 % GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
0049 %
0050 % You should have received a copy of the GNU Leser General Public License
0051 % along with ARTE.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
0053 %Inverse kinematics for a parallel delta robot
0054 %This function povides the angle solution for a TCP gave
0055 %Arms length can be provided. If it's not default lengts will be used
0056 %Base and efector size is fixed.
0057 %Elbow = 0 means that the elbow's solution is out
0058 %Can be placed as the thrird input argument
0060 function q=inversekinematic_DELTA3DOF(robot,T)
0062 % fprintf('\nComputing inverse kinematics for the %s robot', robot.name);
0064 X=T(1,4); %Get´s the x positión of the final efector.
0065 Y=T(2,4); %Get´s the y positión of the final efector.
0066 Z=T(3,4); %Get´s the z positión of the final efector.
0068 %Rotational joints angle
0069 alpha=robot.alpha;
0071 %Base and effector parameters
0072 d1=robot.d1;
0073 d2=robot.d2;
0075 TX=robot.TX;
0077 %Effector apex position depending on X, Y & Z
0078 E1=[X+d2*cos(alpha(1)),Y+d2*sin(alpha(1)),Z];
0079 E2=[X+d2*cos(alpha(2)),Y+d2*sin(alpha(2)),Z];
0080 E3=[X+d2*cos(alpha(3)),Y+d2*sin(alpha(3)),Z];
0082 %Transformation of each effector's apex into his arm's reference system
0083 E1p=inv(robot.robot1.T0)*[E1,1]';
0084 E2p=inv(robot.robot2.T0)*[E2,1]';
0085 E3p=inv(robot.robot3.T0)*[E3,1]';
0087 T1=eye(4);
0088 T1(1:3,4)=E1p(1:3);
0089 T2=eye(4);
0090 T2(1:3,4)=E2p(1:3);
0091 T3=eye(4);
0092 T3(1:3,4)=E3p(1:3);
0094 %Sintaxis for the ARTE library
0095 %Must return both posibilities and delta angles in q
0097 %Inversekinematic_3dofspherical returns elbow in&out joint angle and delta
0098 %angles in q=[in out delta1 delta2]
0099 q1=inversekinematic(robot.robot1,T1);
0100 q2=inversekinematic(robot.robot2,T2);
0101 q3=inversekinematic(robot.robot3,T3);
0103 %Returns 8 posibilities
0104 %If is used q(1) elbow IN solution will be taked
0105 %If is used q(2) elbow OUT solution will be taked
0106 %[theta1 beta1 delta1 theta2 beta2 delta2 theta3 beta3 delta3]'
0108 q=[q1(:,1), q1(:,1), q1(:,1), q1(:,1), q1(:,2), q1(:,2), q1(:,2), q1(:,2); 
0109    q2(:,1), q2(:,1), q2(:,2), q2(:,2), q2(:,1), q2(:,1), q2(:,2), q2(:,2);
0110    q3(:,1), q3(:,2), q3(:,1), q3(:,2), q3(:,1), q3(:,2), q3(:,1), q3(:,2)];
0112 % Saves for final configuration the angles for elbow out
0113 qf=q(:,1);
0115 if qf(2)>=pi ||  qf(5)>=pi || qf(8)>=pi
0116     fprintf('\nWARNING: inversekinematic_DELTA: unfeasible solution. The arm2 impacts arm 1.\n');
0117 end
0118 if qf(1)>pi/2 | qf(1)<-pi | qf(4)>pi/2 | qf(4)<-pi | qf(4)>pi/2 | qf(4)<-pi 
0119     fprintf('\nWARNING: inversekinematic_3dofplanar: unfeasible solution. The arm 1 impacts the robot´s base.\n');
0120 end
0123 end

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