Lab_trajectory is a set of omnidirectional images captured in an indoor office-like environment (within Innova Building) at Miguel Hernandez University, Spain. This database is intended to test visual mapping and localization algoritmhs for mobile robots in a real-working environment. The images have been captured using a catadiptric vision system formed by a CCD color camera DFK-41BF02, pointing towards a hyperbolic mirror model Eizoh wide 70. The optical axis of the camera and the axis of the mirror are aligned. With this system, omnidirectional images with a resolution of 1280x960 pixels are captured. The length of the route is about 51m and the number of scenes in the set is 534, with an average distance between capture positions around 10 cm. A Pioneer P3-AT robot was used to collect the set of images. It is equipped with a laser rangefinder and motor encoders, besides the catadioptric vision system. The laser data have been utilized to obtain the ground truth data (using the software gmapping), which are also available. The next figure shows a bird eye's view of the layout where the images were captured. Some panoramic images are shown. Specifically, the robot navigates through a laboratory with some corridors and wide windows, furniture, tools and somo other equipment. It is a challenging trajectory which was captured under real working conditions. The database includes the whole set of omnidirectional images, the ground truth and the calibration for the images.
The whole database is downloadable through the next link: Lab Trajectory Publications
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