ROUTE DETAILS O6. Outdoor. Single loop on a route east the Innova Building. Few moving people. Shouts starting to grow (1cm). Robot commanded manually. Sensors: ODO LIDAR (points=yes, reflectivity image=no) GPS/RTK. Nice estimation. Some hops. IMU Sunny. No clouds. Distance travelled: 176 m Sensor frequencies: Sensor frequencies Hz: LiDAR: 1.72 Odometry: 9.99 GPS: 1.0 IMU: 20 GPS mode: full GPS/RTK mode with base station. BIG HOP in GPS/RTK. GPS transform: The transformation from the center of the robot is [[1, 0, 0, 0.365], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]. The GPS is mounted at the front of the Husky. MAP The solution is referenced to the base lat/lng in gps0/reference.yaml. The map is assumed to be correct at 100% and produces a usable result. COMMENTS The Harxon GPS is placed at the center of the Husky, below the Ouster LiDAR. This placement of the GPS produces a bad reception of the GPS signal. Thus, hops appear in the estimation, even if the robot is moving in an open space.