Introduction Quorum V is a set of omnidirectional images captured in an indoors environment (Quorum V building, 2nd floor) at Miguel Hernandez University, Spain. This database is intended to test visual mapping and localization algoritmhs for mobile robots. The database has been referenced in the following papers:
The database includes a corridor, three offices, a library and an events room. It is composed of two sets of images.
The next figure shows a bird eye's view of the grid points where the robot captured the training set.
The database The whole database is downloadable through the next links:
The database was captured with an Imaging Source DFK 21BF04 camera, which takes pictures of a hyperbolic mirror (Eizoh Wide 70). The mirror is mounted over the camera, with its axis aligned with the camera optic axis. Both the original omnidirectional images, and the panormic images (cylindrical projection) can be downloaded. The next figures shows a bird eye's view of each room. The coordinates where each image was captured are shown. Red squares are the positions where training images were captured and green crosses the positions of test images. On each green cross, 16 test images were captured, with different orientations (every 22.5 deg). The name of the training images contains the coordinates of the capture points (cm) and the name of the test images contains the coordinates and the orientation of the camera (deg).
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