Modelling of Virtual enviroments for training in teleoperated systems for dynamic enviroments

This research project is a continuation of a previous one (Automatic and Remote-Control Architectures Learning Systems) in which diverse tools were developed that let carry out tasks in a remote environment by means of advanced interfaces incorporation. From the designed architecture in the previous project, we have developed in the current one new research lines which focus on dynamic virtual environments incorporation to remote-control systems with the purpose that the operator can simulate the resultant effect of realise an specific action on the dynamic environment, before these actions really carry out in the remote environment. About the visual environment it is possible to simulate the behaviour of the remote-control system with different delays produced in the communication system once the environment’s dynamic has been incorporated. Likewise we have developed a totally open parallel architecture haptic device that has been incorporated as interface in the bilateral control diagram.


  • Visual control of trajectories implementation.
  • Remote-control architecture dynamic design.
  • 6 gdl open architecture haptic device integration.
  • Simulation environment adaptation for delays treatment.


Dynamic remote-control robots simulator

  • Developed in C++ (Visual C++. Windows and Linux suse 8 environment).
  • Dynamic motor : ODE – Euler integrator.
  • Collisions detector: AABB algorithm (axis aligned bounding boxes).
  • Forces generator: a lineal complementarity problem is solved by Dantzing algorithm.
Simulador dinámico de Robots Teleoperados


Delays in remote-control systems

  • Remote-control systems with delays in status variables modelling.
  • Design method and remote-control systems with delay control.
  • Design method for any order differential equation systems generalization.
  • Successful application to a real remote-control 1 GDL system.
  • Delays incorporation in the simulator.

Sistema MAestro - Esclavo de 1 GDL Gráfica sistema Maestro - Esclavo


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Miguel Hernández University