
Luis M. Jiménez

Associate Professor and Researcher
Tel:  +34 96 665 8419

Professional Situation

Industrial Engineer B.S. degree by E.T.S.I.I., Polytechnical University of Madrid
PhD thesis in Robotics and Automation by Miguel Hernandez University.
I've got a permanent position as Associate Professor in the area of Systems Engineering and Automation of Miguel Hernandez University.

Student Assistance

Here you cand find my timetable


Personal interests:

  • Computer Vision:
  • I'm working on 3D recovery from streoscopic vision systems, applying projective geometry techniques to model the correspondence problem, extending the fundamental Matrix concept to high level primitives. I've also been working on cooperative algorithms using active camera systems.

  • Remote Web Laboratories :
  • I've been involved in the development of two remote Web labs. Titere: is focused on computer vision subjet teaching, and allows acquiring images and controlling different devices (motorized camera, positiong base, lighting...). The hardware is based in two embedded computers runnig Linux and RT-DOS. Besides, Recolab: is focused on teaching control theory subjets, allowing the real-time execution of Matlab/Simulink schemes over a laboratory equipment (DC motor). This system is integrated in the laboratory network AUTOM@TLABS.

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Miguel Hernández University