
María Flores Tenza


My Publications

(19 Papers)

Generating a full spherical view by modeling the relation between two fisheye images
M. Flores, D. Valiente, A. Peidró, O. Reinoso, L. Payá
The Visual Computer  (2024) - 2024
Ed. Springer  ISSN:1432-2315   [DOI]   [Document]   [Web]


Un método para la calibración de un sistema LiDAR y cámara fisheye
A. Martı́nez, M. Flores, L. Payá, A. Gil, L. M. Jiménez
XLIV Jornadas de Automática  (Zaragoza, 6-8 de septiembre de 2023) - 867-872
Ed. CEA  ISBN:978-84-9749-860-9   [DOI]   [Abstract]   [Document]


Efficient probability-oriented feature matching using wide field-of-view imaging
Flores, M., Valiente, D., Gil, A., Reinoso, O., Payá, L.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence  (2022) - 107 (2022) 104539
Ed. Elsevier  ISSN:0952-1976   [DOI]   [Abstract]   [Document]   [Web]

A Localization Approach Based on Omnidirectional Vision and Deep Learning
S. Cebollada, L. Payá, M. Flores, V. Román, A. Peidró, O. Reinoso
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics   (2022) - 793 (226-246)
Ed. Springer  ISBN:978-3-030-92441-6  ISSN:1876-1100   [DOI]   [Abstract]   [Document]   [Web]

Training, Optimization and Validation of a CNN for Room Retrieval and Description of Omnidirectional Images
J. Cabrera, S. Cebollada, M. Flores, O. Reinoso, L. Payá
SN Computer Science  (2022) - 3 (271)
Ed. Springer  ISSN:2661-8907   [DOI]   [Abstract]   [Document]   [Web]

Generation and Quality Evaluation of a 360-degree View from Dual Fisheye Images
Flores, M., Valiente, D., Cabrera, J., Reinoso, O. and Payá, L
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics  (Lisbon (Portugal), July 14-16 2022) - 434-442
Ed. SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.  ISBN:978-989-758-585-2  ISSN:2184-2809   [DOI]   [Document]

Creacion y analisis de vistas 360 a partir de un par de imagenes fisheye
Maria Flores, David Valiente, Arturo Gil, Oscar Reinoso, Luis Payá
XLIII Jornadas de Automática  (Logrońo, 7-9 septiembre 2022) - 985-992
Ed. Comité Espańol de Automática  ISBN:978‐84‐9749‐841‐8   [DOI]   [Document]   [Web]


Evaluación de descriptores locales en localización visual con imágenes ojo de pez
M. Flores, D. Valiente, A. Gil, A. Peidró, O. Reinoso, L. Payá
XLII Jornadas de Automática  (Castellón, 1-3 de septiembre de 2021) - 507-514
Ed. CEA  ISBN:978-84-9749-804-3   [DOI]   [Document]   [Web]

A state-of-the-art review on mobile robotics tasks using artificial intelligence and visual data
S. Cebollada, L. Payá, M. Flores, A. Peidró, O. Reinoso
Expert Systems with applications  (2021) - 167 (2021) 114195
Ed. Elsevier  ISSN:0957-4174   [DOI]   [Abstract]   [Document]   [Web]

Design of a virtual laboratory and a set of practical sessions in state-space control
M. Flores, L. Payá, D. Valiente, M. Ballesta, O. Reinoso
INTED 2021. 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference  (Online, 8-9 March, 2021) - 5953-5961
Ed. IATED Academy  ISBN:978-84-09-27666-0  ISSN:2340-1079   [DOI]   [Abstract]   [Document]   [Web]

New practical approach to circuit analysis in dual-mode teaching
M. Ballesta, M. Flores, L. Payá, O. Reinoso
INTED 2021. 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference  (Online, 8-9 March, 2021) - 6067-6075
Ed. IATED Academy  ISBN:978-84-09-27666-0  ISSN:2340-1079   [DOI]   [Abstract]   [Document]   [Web]

A Robust CNN Training Approach to Address Hierarchical Localization with Omnidirectional Images
J.J. Cabrera, S. Cebollada, L. Payá, M. Flores, O. Reinoso
ICINCO 2021. 18th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics  (Online streaming, 6-8 July, 2021) - 302-310
Ed. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda.  ISBN:978-989-758-522-7  ISSN:2184-2809   [Abstract]   [Document]   [Web]

Evaluating the Influence of Feature Matching on the Performance of Visual Localization with Fisheye Images
M. Flores, D. Valiente, S. Cebollada, O. Reinoso, L. Payá
ICINCO 2021. 18th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics  (Online streaming, 6-8 July, 2021) - 434-441
Ed. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda.  ISBN:978-989-758-522-7  ISSN:2184-2809   [Abstract]   [Document]   [Web]

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Miguel Hernández University