Miguel Hernández University Systems Engineering and Automation Department INNOVA Building Avda. Universidad s/n 03202 - Elche (Alicante) SPAIN
Grupo ARVC
My Publications
(32 Papers)
Holistic descriptors of omnidirectional color images and their performance in estimation of position and orientation
F. Amorós, L. Payá, W. Mayol, L.M. Jiménez, O. Reinoso IEEE Access (Abril 2020) - Vol. 8, pp. 81822 - 81848
Ed. IEEE ISSN:2169-3536 [DOI] [Abstract] [Document]
Trajectory estimation and optimization through loop closure detection using omnidirectional imaging and global-appearance descriptors
F. Amoros, L. Paya, J.M. Marin, O. Reinoso Expert Systems With Applications (2018) - 102(2018), pp. 273-290
Ed. Elsevier ISSN:0957-4174 [DOI] [Abstract] [Document] [Web]
Modeling Environments Hierarchically with Omnidirectional Imaging and Global-Appearance Descriptors
L. Payá, A. Peidró, F. Amorós, D. Valiente, O. Reinoso Remote Sensing (2018) - 10(4), 522
Ed. MDPI ISSN:2072-4292 [DOI] [Abstract] [Document] [Web]
Using Global Appearance Descriptors to Solve Topological Visual SLAM
L. Fernández, L. Payá, F. Amorós, O. Reinoso Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition (2017) - pp. 6894-6905
Ed. IGI Global ISBN:978-1-5225-2255-3 (hardcover); 978-1-5225-2256-0 (ebook) [DOI] [Document] [Web]
Development of Height Indicators using Omnidirectional Images and Global
Appearance Descriptors
F. Amoros, L. Payá, M. Ballesta, O. Reinoso Applied Sciences (2017) - 7, 482 pp. 1-32
Ed. MDPI ISSN:2076-3417 [DOI] [Abstract] [Document] [Web]
A comparison of Appearance-based descriptors in a visual SLAM approach
L. Fernandez, L. Paya, F. Amoros, O. Reinoso Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition (2017) (2017) - pp. 3187-3196
Ed. IGI Global ISBN:9781466658882 [DOI] [Document]
Development of a virtual laboratory to teach mobile robotics
L. Payá, O. Reinoso, F. Amorós, M. Ballesta 8th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2015) (Sevilla, 2015) - 1742-1750
Ed. IATED ISBN:978-84-608-2657-6ISSN:2340-1095 [Abstract] [Document]
Topological Height Estimation Using Global Appearance of Images
Francisco Amoros, Luis Paya, Oscar Reinoso, Luis Miguel Jimenez, and Miguel Julia ROBOT2013: First Iberian Robotics Conference
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Madrid (Spain), 28-29 November 2013) - Vol. 253, pp. 77-89
Ed. Springer ISBN:978-3-319-03652-6ISSN:2194-5357 [DOI] [Abstract] [Document]
Towards relative
altitude estimation in topological navigation tasks using the global appearance
of visual information
F. Amorós, L. Payá, O. Reinoso, L. Fernández, D. Valiente VISAPP 2014, International Conference on Computer Vision
Theory and Applications (Lisbon (Portugal), January 2014) - Vol. 1, pp. 194-201
Ed. SciTePress- Science and Technology Publications ISBN:978-989- 758-003-1 [Abstract] [Document]
Performance of Global-Appearance Descriptors in Map Building
and Localization Using Omnidirectional Vision
L. Paya, F. Amorós, L. Fernández, O. Reinoso Sensors (February 2014) - Vol. 14, pp. 3033-3064
Ed. MDPI ISSN:1424-8220 [DOI] [Abstract] [Document]
Global Appearance Applied to Visual Map Building and Path Estimation Using Multiscale Analysis
F. Amoros, L. Payá, O. Reinoso, W. Mayol-Cuevas, A. Calway Mathematical Problems in Engineering (2014) - Volume 2014, Article ID 365417, pp. 1 - 23
Ed. Hindawi Publishing Corporation ISSN:1024-123X [DOI] [Abstract] [Document]
Software para el desarrollo de prácticas de creación de mapas y localización visual de un robot móvil
L. Payá, F. Amorós, A. Gil, L. Fernández, O. Reinoso Actas XXXV Jornadas de Automática (Valencia, Espańa. 3-5 Septiembre 2014) - Cap. 86
Ed. CEA-IFAC ISBN:978-84-697-0589-6 [Abstract] [Document]
Estimación de altura en aplicaciones de navegación topológicas mediante apariencia global de información visual
F. Amorós, L. Payá, D. Valiente, L.M. Jiménez, O. Reinoso XXXV Jornadas de Automatica (Valencia, Espańa. 3-5 Septiembre 2014) - Cap. 16
Ed. CEA ISBN:978-84-697-0589-6 [Abstract] [Document]
Visual Odometry using de Global-appearance of Omnidirectional Images
F. J. Amorós, L. Payá, A. Gil, O. Reinoso 11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATICS IN CONTROL, AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS (Vienna, Austria. 1-3 Septembre 2014) - Vol 2, pp. 483-490
Ed. INSTICC - SCITEPRESS ISBN:978-989-758-040-6 [Abstract] [Document]
A comparison of Appearance-based descriptors in a Visual SLAM approach
L. Fernández, L. Payá, F. J. Amorós, O. Reinoso Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition (2014) - pp. 3187-3196
Ed. Information Science Reference ISBN:978-1-4666-5891-2 [Abstract] [Document]
SLAM of View-based Maps using SGD
D. Valiente, A. Gil, F. Amorós, O. Reinoso ICINCO 2013 10th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (Reykjavik (Iceland), 29-31 July 2013) - Vol. 2, pp. 329-336
Ed. SCITEPRESS ISBN:978-989-8565-71-6 [Document]
Topologial Map Building and Path Estimation Using Global-apperance Image Descriptors
F. Amorós, L. Payá, O. Reinoso, W. Mayol-Cuevas, A. Calway ICINCO 2013 10th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (Reykjavik (Iceland), 29-31 July 2013) - Vol. 2, pp. 385-392
Ed. SCITEPRESS ISBN:978-989-8565-71-6 [Document]
A New resource in the teaching of a computer vision and robotics subject
L. Payá, L. Fernández, O. Reinoso, F. Amorós, L.M. Jiménez INTED2013 7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (Valencia (Spain), 4-6 March 2013) - pp. 3074-3082
Ed. IATED ISBN:978-84-616-2661-8 [Document]
An educational software to compare appearance image descriptors in robot localization
L. Payá, F. Amorós, O. Reinoso, L. Fernández, A. Gil INTED2013 7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (Valencia (Spain), 4-6 March 2013) - pp. 3097-3105
Ed. IATED ISBN:978-84-616-2661-8 [Document]
Hacia una arquitectura de exploración multirobot distribuida para entornos no controlados
Miguel Juliá, Oscar Reinoso, Luis Payá, Francisco Amorós, David Ubeda XXXIV Jornadas de Automática (Terrassa, 4-6 Septiembre, 2013) - pp. 689-696
Ed. Ramon Sarrate Estruch y Joseba Quevedo Casín
ISBN:9788461650637 [Abstract] [Document]
Construcción de mapas topológicos y estimación de trayectorias usando descriptores de apariencia visual global
Francisco Amorós, Luis Payá, Lorenzo Fernández, Oscar Reinoso, Mónica Ballesta y Miguel Juliá XXXIV Jornadas de Automática (Terrassa, 4-6 Septiembre, 2013) - pp. 834-841
Ed. Ramon Sarrate Estruch y Joseba Quevedo Casín
ISBN:9788461650637 [Abstract] [Document]
An Educational Software to Develop Robot Mapping and Localization Practices Using Visual Information
L. Payá, F. Amorós, L. Fernández, O. Reinoso Advances in Control Education (Sheffield (Reino Unido), Agosto de 2013) - Volume 10, Part 1, pp 174-179
Ed. International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) ISBN:978-3-902823-43-4ISSN:1474-6670 [DOI] [Abstract] [Document]
F. Amorós, L. Payá, O. Reinoso and L.M. Jiménez VISAPP 2012, International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (Rome, Italy. 24-26 February, 2012) - Volume 2, pp. 395-398
Ed. SciTePress – Science and Technology Publications ISBN:978-989-8565-04-4 [Abstract] [Document]
Localización Monte Carlo a partir de la apariencia global de imágenes omnidireccionales
L. Fernández, L. Paya, M. Ballesta, F. Amoros, O. Reinoso XXXIII Jornadas de Automática (Vigo (SPAIN), 5-7 Sept. 2012) - pp. 743-750 ISBN:978-84-8158-583-4 [Document]
Uso de descriptores de apariencia global en tareas de construcción de mapas y localización
F. Amorós, L. Payá, O. Reinoso, L.M. Jiménez XXXIII Jornadas de Automática (Vigo (SPAIN), 5-7 Sept. 2012) - pp. 993-1002 ISBN:978-84-8158-583-4 [Document]
Map building and localization using Global-Appearance Descriptors applied to panoramic images
F. Amorós, L. Payá, O. Reinoso, L. Fernández Journal of Computer and Information Technology (Spring 2012) - Vol 2 (1), pp. 55-71
Ed. Publishing Services LLC ISSN:2161-7112 [Abstract] [Document]
Probabilistic Map Building, Localization and Navigation of a Team of Mobile Robots. Application to Route Following.
L. Payá, O. Reinoso, F. Amorós, L. Fernández and A. Gil Multi-Robot Systems: Trends and Development. (Enero 2011) - Vol. 1, pp. 191-210
Ed. INTECH ISBN:978-953-307-425-2 [Document]
Lorenzo Fernández, Luis Payá, Oscar Reinoso and Francisco Amorós ICINCO 2011, International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 28 - 31 July, 2011) - Volume 2, pp 205-210
Ed. Copyright c 2011 SciTePress – Science and Technology Publications ISBN:978-989-8425-75-1 [Abstract] [Document]
Odometría visual y construcción de un mapa topológico a partir de la apariencia global de imágenes omnidireccionales
L. Fernández, L. Payá, M. Ballesta, F. Amorós, O. Reinoso XXXII Jornadas de Automática (Sevilla, Espańa. Septiembre 7-9, 2011) ISBN:978-84-694-6454-0 [Document]
Visual Odometry with an Appearance-based Method
L. Fernández, L. Payá, M. Juliá, F. Amorós, O. Reinoso ROBOT 2011. Robótica Experimental (Sevilla, Noviembre de 2011)
Ed. Universidad de Sevilla [Abstract] [Document]
Visual Map Building and Localization with an Appearance-based Approach
F. Amorós, L. Paya, O. Reinoso, L. Fernández, J. MŞ Marin 7th Internacional Conference on Informatics, in Control, Automation and Robotics, ICINCO 2010 (Funchal, Madeira (Portugal), June 15-18, 2010) - Vol. 2, pp.423-426 ISBN:978-989-8425-01-0 [Abstract] [Document]
Construcción de mapas visuales y localización mediante métodos basados en apariencia global
F. Amorós, O. Reinoso, L. Payá, A. Gil, J.MŞ Marín XXXI Jornadas de Automática (Jaén, SPAIN, 6-8 Septembre 2010) - pp. 31-39
Ed. CEA-IFAC ISBN:978-84-693-0715-1 [Abstract] [Document]