Robtet : A new teleoperated system for live-line maintenance Abstract: Robtet : A new teleoperated system for live-line maintenance R. Aracil(a), L.F. Peñín(a), M. Ferre(a), L.M. Jiménez(a), A. Barrientos(a), A. Santamaría(b), P. Martínez(b), A. Tuduri(c) (a)Div. Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática (DISAM). Polytechnical University of Madrid (b) IBERDROLA, S.A. (c) COBRA Electricidad Abstract: This paper presents a new teleoperated system for live-line maintenance developed for electrical utility IBERDROLA. Its aim is to increase the safety and confort of the workers and the overall efficiency, as wel as to reduce labor requirements. Its design is based in other already developed systems but with a new approach. It consists of a pair of hydraulic-driven master-salce teleoperated manipulators, placed on top of an insulated boom, wich execute directly on the hot line the tasks commanded via master arms by an operator on the ground. Telepresence of the operator is accomplished through a 3-D vision system, a multimedia interface and the force-deedback capabilities of the manipulators. This paper describes in detail all the elements, as well as the teleoperation architecture that interface them, with special attention to the telepresence issues wich seem to lack in similar systems. |