Experiences in the students' assesment in a computer science applied to engineering subject D. Úbeda, A. Gil, L. Payá, Ó. Reinoso, L. Fernández INTED 2010. International Technology, Education and Development Conference. (Valencia, Marzo de 2010)
Ed. IATED ISBN:978-84-613-5538-9 - pp. 228-233
In this paper, the “Engineering Applied Computer Science subject” case is introduced. It is a first course subject of the Industrial Engineering at Miguel Hernandez University. With the imminent arrival of Bologna plan and the ECTS, we have to rate the student
performance out of the classroom, and it is more convenient monitoring the individualistic work of each, in this non-presencial part of the credits. In our case, individualistic work of each student is translated in a set of C/C++ practical sessions that must be sent to the teachers in order to be evaluated. In previous courses, there was a big problem with the old evaluation system: students used to send plagiarized source code from other companions, and the practices correction was a hard work because of the high number of matriculations at this subject. In order to solve this problem, we have developed some years ago a Moodle pseudo-module that it is able to detect plagiarized source code in the C/C++ practices after they have been sent to the platform. This module returns to the teacher a complete statistic about the number of detected copies, similar parts of the code, increase or decrease of the copies according to old practices, etc. The system is
able to save a source code historical of the last years practices which are compared with the new ones, in order to find some similarities.