Overview and future trends of control education
D. Muņoz de la Peņa, M. Dominguez, F. Gomez-Estern, O. Reinoso, F. Torres, S. Dormido
13th IFAC Sympsium on Advances in Control Education  (Hambug Bergedorf, Germany, July 24-27 (2022))
Ed. IFAC  - pp. 1-6


Control education is a mature area in which many professors and researchers have worked hard to face the challenge of providing a versatile education with a strong scientific base. All this without losing sight of the needs of the industry; adapting the contents, methodologies, and tools to the continuous social and technological changes of our time. This article presents a reflection on the role of automatic control in today’s society, a review of the traditional objectives of control education through seminal work in the area, and finally a review of the main current trends.