Análisis de estabilidad de un robot caminante en terrenos naturales
P. Mollá-Santamaría, A. Peidró, M. Fabregat-Jaen, L.M. Jiménez, L. Payá, O. Reinoso
Jornadas de Robótica y Bioingeniería 2023  (Madrid, 14-16 de junio de 2023)
Ed. CEA  ISBN:978-84-09-51892-0  DOI:  - pp. 27-33


This paper studies two methods to analyze stability of a legged modular robot, designed to move through natural environments with non-coplanar contacts that have different orientations. In order to ensure stability at a contact point, the ground reaction must be contained within a friction cone. Previous works use a linear approximation of the cone to a pyramid, such that the reaction force at the contact point should be a linear combination with non-negative coefficients of the lateral edges that compose the pyramid. In this paper, firstly, the terrain is modeled with a triangular mesh and a subdivision of the triangles is performed to efficiently identify those closest to the robot's feet using k-d trees. Afterwards, the stability of the robot is verified using the pyramidal approximation of the friction cone by comparing two methods: the polytope method and the Newton’s new method.