Planificación simultanea de trayectoria y contactos de un robot caminante P. Molla-Santamaría, A. Peidró, L. Payá, M. Ballesta, O. Reinoso XLIV Jornadas de Automática (Zaragoza, 6-8 Septiembre 2023)
Ed. CEA ISBN:978-84-9749-860-9 DOI: - pp. 679-684
In this paper we study the simultaneous planning of the trajectory and leg supports of a robot on uneven terrain. We start with
the A-star algorithm (A*), which searches for the shortest path between two points. First, the terrain is modelled with a triangular
mesh and the triangles are subdivided to take the centroids of these triangles as the search space of the A*. Secondly, with respect
to the original A*, the stability of the robot at each centroid is considered, so that the cost at a centroid is penalised if the robot
is unstable and zero if it is stable. The stability at each contact point is determined by calculating that the ground reaction at that
point is contained in a linear approximation of the friction cone. Finally, the trajectory, the contact points of each leg, as well as
the robot's posture at each position are obtained.