Advances in natural language interaction in mobile robots used for practice education Abstract: ADVANCES IN NATURAL LANGUAGE INTERACTION IN MOBILE ROBOTS USED FOR PRACTICE EDUCATION R.P. Ñeco, O. Reinoso, J.M. Sabater, C. Pérez, L.M. Jiménez Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas Industriales Universidad Miguel Hernández ABSTRACT: This paper presents a proposal for the development of laboratory assignments about the design and implementation of advanced interfaces for mobile robots using speech recognition. In these assignments, the main objective is the analysis of the possibilities for using speech interfaces as a complementary system for other interaction components with a mobile robot, such as artificial vision. The paper also describes how to develop introductory practical works to the analysis and implementation of intelligent dialogue for mobile robots. KEYWORDS: Engineering Education, Artificial Intelligence, Command and Control Systems, Qualitative Reasoning, Man-Machine Interface / Communications, Man-Machine Interaction. |