Active learning program supported by online simulation applet in engineering education D. Valiente, L. Payá, S. Fernández de Ávila, J.C. Ferrer, S. Cebollada, O. Reinoso Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2019) (Praga (República Checa), 2019)
Ed. SCITEPRESS, Science and Technology Publications ISBN:978-989-758-381-0 DOI:10.5220/0007916401210128 - 121-128
Nowadays education programs in engineering degrees have evolved towards advanced learning models and methodologies, which are either partially or entirely sustained by ICT (Information, Communication, and Technology) resources, and blended approaches. In this sense, electronics courses have become of paramount importance in most education plans within engineering degrees at university. Therefore the adaption to such novel methodologies is increasingly demanded. According to this, we propose an improved teaching program concentrated on the use of an online simulation tool, amongst other digital resources. The program is addressed to students in first levels of engineering degrees, within the framework of the Spanish public university system. In particular, the methodology has been devised through the use of an online circuit simulation applet in Java, which does not require any software installation. The main purpose is to enhance the general achievement of the students, particularizing on their practical competences, digital skills, engagement and motivation towards the learning of electronics, sustained by digital resources such as simulation. A population of 258 students enrolled during the academic year 2017/2018 has been established as a sample for presenting achievement results, surveys data and comparison statistics with other digital resources. Additionally, test groups of roughly 50% out of the total population of students have been established in order to confirm the success of the approach, in contrast to the former teaching methodology. As a result, the approach proves to be an active model which allows the students to develop long-term and autonomous skills in electronics and simulation.