Cooperative Wireless Congestion Control for Multi-Service V2X Communication
I. Khan, M. Sepulcre, J. Härri
31st IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)  (Las Vegas, USA, 19 Oct.-13 Nov. 2020)
 ISBN:978-1-7281-6673-5  ISSN:2642-7214  DOI:10.1109/IV47402.2020.9304838


Wireless congestion control and resource allocation for 802.11p based V2X safety communication have been widely investigated for a single Cooperative Awareness service, considering homogeneous resource requirement per vehicle. Future cooperative connected vehicles, will have heterogeneous capabilities and communication needs, which existing congestion control mechanisms have not fully addressed. In this paper, we analyze issues with the channel congestion control protocol standardized in Europe by ETSI, regarding distributed resource allocation for heterogeneous number of services and message types per vehicle. We present a cooperative congestion control mechanism to orchestrate channel resource among a mixed distribution of vehicles with diverse resource requirements under channel congestion. Simulation based evaluation using standardized safety messages show the application performance improvement rendered by our proposed mechanism, compared to the standardized protocol.