PVGIS, as help tool for the design of photovoltaic installations. Resumen:
PVGIS, as help tool for the design of photovoltaic installations. PVGIS ‐ Photovoltaic Geographical Information System – (https://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pvg_tools/es/), can be an important help tool when undertaking the design or prior calculation of a solar photovoltaic installation. Whether if the purpose of the installation is solely for the sale of energy, or if it is for self‐consumption. Thanks to this tool, it is possible to know the total annual electrical production or generation (kWh) of a PV solar installation of a certain installed peak power. It is only necessary to know the specific or characteristic parameters of the installation. Suchs the exact place where the modules will be installed, whether or not the installation will be installed on a roof, the angles of inclination and orientation of the modules, etc... As PVGIS contains historical solar irradiance (kW/m2) and irradiation (kWh/m2) data, it can provide us with how much a solar photovoltaic installation will produce annually, monthly and therefore daily. These data are very valuable for carrying out studies prior to the final design of the installation. In addition, it also providesthe average annual percentage value of global losses, taking into account one of the most important losses in photovoltaic systems, losses (or lower performance) due to temperature. |