Remote Laboratory for Mobile Robotics Training
A. Sánchez, L. Payá, O. Reinoso, A. Gil, D. Úbeda, M. Juliá
International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2008)  (17-19 Noviembre, Madrid)
Ed. International Association of Technology, Education and Development IATED, Valencia  ISBN:978-84-612-5091-2


This work presents a distributed platform to carry out practical lessons with mobile robots through
Internet. The main goal consists in the development of an architecture that allows the student to
access in a transparent way to a set of mobile robots, independently of the operative system the
student uses and with a minimum additional installation in his computer. This paper details all the
processes used for the implementation of the system. Also, we present the model of practices
proposed so that the students can deepen in some important concepts of mobile robotics and
computer vision, taking into account the advantages the access through Internet supposes. At last,
some safety measures have been taken to guarantee an adequate use of the system.