Design and development of a set of practical sessions in a robotics and computer vision subject
L. Payá, L. Fernández, O. Reinoso, D. Úbeda, A. Gil
INTED 2010. International Technology, Education and Development Conference.  (Valencia, Marzo de 2010)
Ed. IATED  ISBN:978-84-613-5538-9  - pp. 193-201


This paper presents the process we have followed during the design and the development of the practical sessions in a robotics and computer vision subject. The main goals of the subject are to analyse the kinematics and dynamics of serial manipulators and mobile robots, to study several techniques to extract the most relevant information from the images and to describe how the movement of a robot can be controlled through the visual information extracted from a camera the robot carries on it. With these objectives we have designed a set of practical sessions so that students can reach the objectives of the subject in a very flexible way. We have made use of a software tool we have implemented with the contents of the subject. This tool simplifies the use of the data collected by the robot and the implementation of the necessary algorithms, and it allows the student to develop the practical sessions in his house, with a flexible timetable.