Following Route Graphs in Urban Environments
R. de Nijs, M. Juliá, N. Mitsou, B. Gonsior, D. Wollherr, K. Kühnlenz, M. Buss
20th IEEE Int. Symp. on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN'11)  (Atlanta, Georgia, 31 July-3 August, 2011)
 ISBN:978-1-4577-1571-6  BIBTEX:@INPROCEEDINGS{6005196, author={de Nijs, R. and Julia, M. and Mitsou, N. and Gonsior, B. and Wollherr, D. and Kuhnlenz, K. and Buss, M.}, booktitle={RO-MAN, 2011 IEEE}, title={Following route graphs in urban environments}, year={2011}, month={31 2011  - pp. 363 - 368


In this paper, an approach is presented that allows a robot to navigate in an urban environment by following natural language route instructions. In this situation, neither maps nor GPS information are available to the robot thus it has to rely solely on the human-given route description and the observations from its sensors. An architecture for solving problems such as navigation on the sidewalk, street direction inference, and environment labeling that arise in this situation is presented. Our initial experiments indicate that the proposed methods enable a robot to safely navigate in urban environments by following abstract route descriptions and reach previously unknown points in a city.