Development of a Web-based educational platform to interact with remote mobile robots L. Paya, O. Reinoso, D. Ubeda, L.M. Jiménez, J.Mª Marin Developing and Utilizing E-Learning Applications (2011) (New York 2011)
Ed. Information Science Reference ISBN:978-1-61692-791-2 DOI:10.4018/978-1-61692-791-2.ch003 - Chapter 3, pp. 46-65
In this chapter the authors approach the problem that hand-on experiments may present in engineering
studies and how Internet has become a powerful tool to improve the students’ motivation, interaction
and degree of learning. Also, the authors address some challenges that must be taken into account in
order to improve the effectiveness of the remote laboratories. They have implemented an interactive
tool so that students can monitor and control the evolution of a team of mobile robots through Internet.
This platform is designed for a subject whose contents are computer vision and robotics, and it allows
students to learn and practice the basic concepts on those fields and their relationship. In this chapter
they present the architecture and basic features of the platform and the experiences collected during
the use of it.