Zero-Current-Switched Three-Phase SVM-Controlled Buck rectifier
Esteban Sanchis, Enrique Maset, José A. Carrasco, Juan B. Ejea, Agustin Ferreres,Enrique Dede, José Jordan, and Rafael Garcia-GilVicente Esteve
Ed. IEEE Industrial Electronics Society  ISSN:0278-0046  - Vol. 52 pp. 679-688


A zero-current-transition (ZCT) cell is analyzed anddesigned to be used with a three-phase pulsewidth-modulationbuck rectifier. This rectifier was space-vector controlled and usedunidirectional current switches. The proposed ZCT circuit is loadindependent and achieves a high noise and voltage stress reductionand provides ZCTs to almost all transitions of the rectifier’sswitches and to the additional auxiliary switches. Theoreticalequations have been obtained for design purposes. The circuit iseasy to design and the driving signals for the auxiliary switchesare also easy to obtain, as demonstrated in this paper