MRXT: The Multi-Robot eXploration Tool
Multi-Robot autonomous exploration and mapping simulator.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
binMapImplements a binary gridmap
cellOccupation probability of a cell in a grid occupancy map
ClMutexImplements a platform independent mutual exclusion mechanism
ClThreadImplements a platform-independent threaded superclass
clusterCellCluster cell strcuture
ComThreadImplements communication between threads
ConfigFileConfig File Reader
ConfigFile::file_not_foundConfig file not found exception
ConfigFile::key_not_foundKey not found exception
CoordinatedPlannerImplements an exploration algorithm that chooses its target cell using a cost-utility model
costCellCost cell struct used for path planning
costCellHCost cell struct used for path planning with heuristics
costMapSimpleStores the cost to reach each cell of the map
EKFilterImplements a slam algorithm consisting on a extended Kalman filter
EmatrixImplents an expansible matrix and its operations
explorerImplements the architecture of a mobile robot that explores the environment
featureFeature Struct. Contains the position and descriptor of a landmark
FrontierGreedyPlannerImplements an exploration algorithm directing the robot to the nearest frontier cell
FSAPlannerImplements a Finite State Automata that performs a reactive behaviour based exploration
gridMapInterfaceInterface to grid map algorithm class
HybridPlannerImplements a Hybrid Deliberative/Reactive Planner
HybridPlanner::doorGateway cell structure for hybrid planner
InformationGainPlannerImplements an exploration algorithm that chooses its target cell using a cost-utility model
IntegratedIGPlannerImplements an exploration algorithm directing the robot to the most informative path
landmarkLandmark struct
landmarksDataImplements an array of landmarks returned by a sensor
localPotentialFieldLocal Potential Fields for reactive navigation
MainWindowQT main window. Implements the slots for the events
MarketPlannerImplements an explorative path planner using a cooperative market model for target selection
MarketPlanner::auctPublic auction, data contains the target cell and the auction publisher
MarketPlanner::targetTarget struct
matrixImplents a common matrix and operations
occupancyGridMapThis is an abstract class that implements some common parts of the grid mapping algorithms
OGMReflectProbImplements an ocupancy grid map using a counting model
particleImplements a particle in a rao-blackwellized particle filter for visual slam
plannerImplements common methods for planning algorithms
pointDiscrete point (pixel)
pointfFloat point (coordinates)
pos3d3D position
pose3dPose in 3d
productionThread synchronization with a producer/consumer model
rangeSensorDataImplements the data returned by a range sensor like a laser
RBPFilterImplements an slam algorithm consisting on a rao-blackwellized particle filter
reactiveReactive behaviours interface and common functions
reactiveGaussReactive behaviours modelled as a sum of gaussians
robotImplements the architecture for a mobile robot
robotBaseThis class reference a robotic plattform in the simulator
RoIRegion of interest
simulatedModelThis class implements a virtual world for robots where robots can move and observe the environment
slamInterfaceInterface for landmark-based visual SLAM algorithms
stepEventManagerThread synchronization using a waif for step model
StringTokenizerSplits a string in substrings separated by a delimiter
StringTokenizer::NodoString tokenizer node
teamImplements a team of robots with global SLAM
treeNodeNodes that form a tree that partitions the environment for the high level planner in the hybrid arquitecture
visualMapImplements a visual landmark 3d map
vMapArrayImplements a visual landmark 3d map using a simple array of features
vslamFilterImplement common attributes and methods for slam algorithms
waitEndingClass used to attend the stop button
waitingThreadThread synchronization auxiliary class for waiting thread queues
worldModelInterfaceDefines the world model interface
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