MRXT: The Multi-Robot eXploration Tool
Multi-Robot autonomous exploration and mapping simulator.
00001 #pragma once
00002 #ifndef __PATH__PLANNING__FUNS___
00003 #define __PATH__PLANNING__FUNS___
00005 #include "robotTypes.h"
00006 #include "binMap.h"
00007 #include "gridMapInterface.h"
00009 #define VHMOV                   100
00010 #define DMOV                    142
00011 #define COSTOCC                 100
00012 #define COSTOBS                 1000
00015 //typedef struct ocell{
00016 //      unsigned short x;
00017 //      unsigned short y;
00018 //      short th;  // 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315
00019 //}ocell;
00021 /// Cost cell struct used for path planning with heuristics
00022 typedef struct costCellH{
00023         long int F;
00024         long int G;
00025         long int H;
00026         bool closed;
00027         bool open;
00028         void* parent;
00029 }costCellH;
00031 /// Cost cell struct used for path planning
00032 typedef struct costCell{
00033         long int C;
00034         void* parent;
00035         bool closed;
00036         bool open;
00037         costCell():C(999999999L),parent(0){}
00038 }costCell;
00040 //class costMap{
00041 //private:
00042 //      costCell* data;
00043 //      std::vector<ocell>* closedlist;
00044 //      int step;
00045 //      int angles;
00046 //      long maxcost;
00047 //public:
00048 //      costMap(costCell* d, int s, int ang, std::vector<ocell>* cl, long max): data(d), closedlist(cl), step(s), angles(ang), maxcost(max){};
00049 //      //costMap* createPolicy(const ocell& target, const gridMapInterface& omap);
00050 //      virtual ~costMap(){if (data){ delete[] data; delete closedlist;}};
00051 //      long getCost(int i, int j){
00052 //              long min=data[j*step+i*angles].C;
00053 //              for (int a = 1; a < angles; a++){
00054 //                      int idx = j*step+i*angles+a;
00055 //                      if (data[idx].C<min) min = data[idx].C;
00056 //              }
00057 //              return min;
00058 //      }
00059 //      int getPath(const ocell& dest, std::vector<ocell>& resultpath){
00060 //              resultpath.clear();
00061 //              const ocell* p = &dest;
00062 //              while (p!=0){
00063 //                      resultpath.push_back(*p);
00064 //                      long idxnext = p->y*step+p->x*angles+p->th;
00065 //                      p = (ocell*) data[idxnext].parent;
00066 //              }
00067 //              resultpath.pop_back();
00069 //              return  resultpath.size();
00070 //      }
00071 //      long getMaxCost(){return maxcost;};
00072 //};
00075 /**
00076 * @brief Stores the cost to reach each cell of the map
00077 */
00078 class costMapSimple{
00079 private:
00080         costCell* data;
00081         std::vector<point>* closedlist;
00082         int step;
00083         long maxcost;
00084 public:
00085         costMapSimple(costCell* d, int s, std::vector<point>* cl, long max): data(d), closedlist(cl), step(s), maxcost(max){};
00086         //costMapSimple* createPolicy(const point& target, const gridMapInterface& omap);
00087         virtual ~costMapSimple(){if (data){ delete[] data; delete closedlist;}};
00088         long getCost(int i, int j){
00089                 return data[j*step+i].C;
00090         }
00091         int getPath(const point& dest, std::vector<point>& resultpath){
00092                 resultpath.clear();
00093                 const point* p = &dest;
00094                 while (p!=0){
00095                         resultpath.push_back(*p);
00096                         long idxnext = p->y*step+p->x;
00097                         p = (point*) data[idxnext].parent;
00098                 }
00099                 resultpath.pop_back();
00101                 return  resultpath.size();
00102         }
00103         long getMaxCost(){return maxcost;};
00104 };
00106 //const int avancex[8] = {1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1};
00107 //const int avancey[8] = {0, 1, 1,  1,  0, -1, -1, -1};
00109 int AStarGrid(const point& origin, const point& target, const gridMapInterface& omap, std::vector<point>& resultpath, bool trackUnknown);
00111 int DijkstraGrid(const point& origin, const binMap& objectives, const gridMapInterface& omap, std::vector<point>& resultpath, int inflaterad);
00113 costMapSimple* createCostMap(const point& origin, const binMap& objectives, const gridMapInterface& omap, std::vector<point>& reachable, int inflaterad);
00115 //int DijkstraGridWithHeading(const ocell& origin, const binMap& objectives, const gridMapInterface& omap, std::vector<ocell>& resultpath);
00117 //costMap* createCostMapOri(const ocell& origin, const binMap& objectives, const gridMapInterface& omap, std::vector<ocell>& reachable);
00119 //costMap* createPolicy(const ocell& target, const gridMapInterface& omap);
00121 #endif
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