MRXT: The Multi-Robot eXploration Tool
Multi-Robot autonomous exploration and mapping simulator.
00001 /*
00002 *
00003 * Author: Miguel Julia <> 
00004 * 
00005 * Date:   2008
00006 * 
00007 * Class team
00008 *
00009 * Implements a team of robots with global SLAM
00010 *
00011 */
00013 #include "team.h"
00014 #include "OGMReflectProb.h"
00016 #ifndef WIN32
00017 #include <unistd.h>
00018 #endif
00020 // Constructor
00021 team::team():
00022         nrobots(0),
00023         theRobots(0),
00024         globalSlam(0),
00025         scene(0),
00026         teamName(0)
00027 {
00028         printf("[TEAM] Team created\n");
00029 }
00031 // destructor
00032 team::~team(){
00033 //      printf("[TEAM] [%s] Team destroyer...\n", teamName);
00034         stop();
00035         if (globalSlam) delete globalSlam;
00036         if (teamName) delete teamName;
00037         if (theRobots){
00038                 for (int i = 0; i < nrobots; i++) if (theRobots[i]) delete theRobots[i];
00039                 delete[] theRobots;
00040         }
00041         printf("[TEAM] Team finished\n");
00042 }
00044 // constructor
00045 team::team(int nr, worldModelInterface& s, ConfigFile& stratConfig, ConfigFile& slamConfig, int robotType, const char* name):
00046         nrobots(nr),
00047         theRobots(new robot*[nrobots]),
00048         globalSlam(slamFactory::Instance().CreateObject(<int>("SLAM"),nr,slamConfig)),
00049         scene(&s),
00050         teamName(0)
00051 {
00052         printf("[TEAM] Building the new team...\n");    
00053         for(int r =0; r < nrobots; r++){
00054                 theRobots[r] = robotFactory::Instance().CreateObject(robotType, r, *globalSlam, *scene, stratConfig);
00055         }
00056         if (teamName)   delete[] teamName;
00057         teamName = new char[strlen(name)+1];
00058         strcpy(teamName,name);
00059         globalSlam->setWorldModel(s);
00060         globalSlam->setWindowName(teamName);
00061         char mapname[100];
00062         sprintf(mapname,"%somap.saved",teamName);
00063         globalSlam->setGridMapName(mapname);
00064         printf("[TEAM] Team created\n");
00065 }
00067 // initializer
00068 void team::initialize(int nr, worldModelInterface& s, ConfigFile& stratConfig, ConfigFile& slamConfig, int robotType, const char* name){
00069         nrobots=nr;
00070         if (globalSlam) delete globalSlam;
00071         globalSlam = slamFactory::Instance().CreateObject(<int>("SLAM"),nr,slamConfig);
00072         scene= &s;
00073         if (theRobots){
00074                 for (int i = 0; i < nrobots; i++) delete theRobots[i];
00075                 delete[] theRobots;
00076         }
00077         theRobots = new robot*[nrobots];
00078         for(int r =0; r< nr; r++){
00079 //              theRobots[r].initialize(r, *globalSlam, *scene, config);
00080                 theRobots[r] = robotFactory::Instance().CreateObject(robotType, r, *globalSlam, *scene, stratConfig);
00081         }
00082         if (teamName)   delete[] teamName;
00083         teamName = new char[strlen(name)+1];
00084         strcpy(teamName,name);
00085         globalSlam->setWorldModel(s);
00086         globalSlam->setWindowName(teamName);
00087 }
00089 // sets the name of the log file
00090 void team::setLogName(const char* str){
00091         globalSlam->setLogName(str);
00092         for(int r =0; r< nrobots; r++)
00093                 theRobots[r]->setLogName(str);
00094 }
00096 // set the world model
00097 void team::setWorldModel(worldModelInterface& scene){
00098         for(int r =0; r< nrobots; r++){
00099                 theRobots[r]->setWorldModel(scene);
00100         }
00101         globalSlam->setWorldModel(scene);
00102 }
00104 // team exploration, it blocks the thread until the exploration is concluded
00105 void team::start(){
00107         globalSlam->run();
00109         int r;
00110         for(r =0; r< nrobots; r++){
00111                 theRobots[r]->start();
00112         }
00114 //      sleepms(100000);
00115 }
00117 void team::waitForTaskFinished(){
00118         for(int r =0; r< nrobots; r++){
00119                 theRobots[r]->endEvent().waitForStep(1);
00120                 theRobots[r]->disable();
00121         }
00122         printf("[TEAM] [%s] All robots finished, stopping SLAM...\n",teamName);
00123         globalSlam->stop();     
00124         printf("[TEAM] [%s] Task completed\n",teamName);
00125 }
00127 // stops the explortion
00128 void team::stop(){
00129         //printf("[TEAM] stoping the robots...\n");
00130         for(int r =0; r< nrobots; r++){
00131                 theRobots[r]->stop();
00132                 theRobots[r]->disable();
00133         }
00134         //printf("[TEAM] stoping the slam...\n");
00135         globalSlam->stop();
00136 //      printf("[TEAM] stoped\n");
00137 }
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