MRXT: The Multi-Robot eXploration Tool
Multi-Robot autonomous exploration and mapping simulator.
00001 /*
00002 *
00003 * Author: Miguel Julia <> 
00004 * 
00005 * Date:   2008
00006 * 
00007 * Abstract Class SLAM Filter
00008 *
00009 * 
00010 */
00012 #pragma once
00013 #ifndef __SLAM_FILTER__
00014 #define __SLAM_FILTER__
00016 #include "slamInterface.h"
00017 #include "robotBase.h"
00018 #include "matFuns.h"
00020 /**
00021 * @brief Implement common attributes and methods for slam algorithms
00022 *
00023 */
00025 class vslamFilter: public slamInterface{
00027         Q_OBJECT
00029 signals:
00031         void slamUpdated();
00033 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00034 //-------------------------  Attributes  ------------------------------
00035 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00036 protected:
00038         int nBots;                                      /// number of robots
00040         float th_high;                                  /// deslocalization threshold
00041         float th_low;                                   /// localization threshold
00043         float width;                                    /// real width
00044         float height;                                   /// real height
00045         float resolution;                               /// grip map resolution
00046         int gmwidth;                                    /// grid map width
00047         int gmheight;                                   /// grid map height
00048         float xorigin;                                  /// x position in real coordinates of grid map origin
00049         float yorigin;                                  /// y position in real coordinates of grid map origin
00051         robotBase** rbase;                              /// pointers to robots bases
00052         bool* robotsEnabled;
00053         worldModelInterface* scene;                     /// pointer to world model
00055         bool* badlocalized;                             /// localization state for each robot (well localized / bad localized)
00057         char* logstr;                                   /// name for log results file
00059         bool displayomap;                               /// flag that indicates if the occupancy map must be displayed
00060         bool displayppmap;                              /// flag that indicates if the occupancy map must be displayed
00061         bool displayipmap;                              /// flag that indicates if the occupancy map must be displayed
00062         bool displayposes;                              /// flag that indicates if the position of the robot for each particle must be displayed
00063         bool displayfeatures;                           /// flag that indicates if the features must be displayed
00064         bool saveAviFile;
00066         float alfa1;                                    /// odometry params
00067         float alfa2;                                    /// odometry params
00068         float alfa3;                                    /// odometry params
00069         float alfa4;                                    /// odometry params
00070         float drifttrans;                               /// odometry params
00072         int gmtype;                                     /// gridmap algorithm
00073         int vmtype;                                     /// visual map implementation
00074         bool perfectMatching;                           /// type of data association
00075         int nmarks;                                     /// num of landmarks to reserve
00077         char* windowName;
00078 //--------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00079 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00081 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00082 //-------------------------  Methods  --------------------------------
00083 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00085 public:
00087         /// Constructor
00088         vslamFilter();
00089         /// Destructor
00090         virtual ~vslamFilter();
00091         /// Constructor
00092         vslamFilter(int nrobots, ConfigFile& configFile);
00094         ///initializer  
00095         void initialize(int nrobots, ConfigFile& configfile);
00097         /// sets the pointer to a robot base object
00098         void setRobotBase(int robot, robotBase& rbase);
00099         /// sets the world model
00100         void setWorldModel(worldModelInterface& scene);
00102         /// return the number of robots
00103         int getNumRobots() const;
00104         /// returns the width of the map
00105         float getWidth() const;
00106         /// return the height of the map
00107         float getHeight() const;
00108         /// return the x position of the origin of grid map in real coordinates
00109         float getXOrigin() const;
00110         /// return the y position of the origin of grid map in real coordinates
00111         float getYOrigin() const;
00112         /// returns the resolution of the gridmap
00113         float getResolution() const;
00114         /// returns the width in cells of the grid map
00115         int getGMWidth() const;
00116         /// returns the height in cells of the grid map
00117         int getGMHeight() const;
00119         /// sets the high uncertainty threshold for the localization state 
00120         void setHighThreshold(float thb);
00121         /// sets the low uncertainty threshold for the localization state 
00122         void setLowThreshold(float tha);
00123         /// return the current state of localization of the robot
00124         bool getLoc(int robot) const;
00126         /// returns the current simulation time
00127         float getTime() const;
00128         /// returns the period of the simulation time step
00129         float getSampleTime() const;
00131         /// returns a copy of the current occupancy map
00132         virtual gridMapInterface* getOMap() = 0;
00133         /// returns a copy of the current visual map
00134         virtual visualMap* getVMap() = 0;
00135         /// return a copy of the current precise pose map
00136         virtual binMap* getPreMap() = 0;
00137         /// returns a copy of the current imprecise pose map
00138         virtual binMap* getImpMap() = 0;
00140         /// returns the current pose of the robot
00141         virtual pose getPos(int robot) = 0 ;
00142         /// returns the current cell of the robot
00143         virtual point getCell(int robot) = 0 ;
00144         /// returns the matrix that represents the covariance of the position of the robot
00145         virtual matrix getCovariance(int robot) const = 0 ;
00146         /// returns the matrix that represents the covariance of robots and marks
00147         virtual Ematrix getGlobalCovariance() const = 0 ;
00148         /// returns a measure of the dispersion of the robot
00149         virtual float getDisp(int robot) const = 0;
00151         /// sets the name of the log file
00152         void setLogName(const char*);
00153         /// sets the name of the gridmap file   
00154         void setGridMapName(const char*){};
00156         void setWindowName(const char*);
00158         void disableRobotBase(int r);
00160         virtual QPixmap* getPixmap()=0;
00161         virtual QImage* getQImage()=0;
00164 protected:
00166         /// set up for the execution thread
00167         virtual int setup()=0;                  
00168         /// primary execution loop
00169         virtual void execute()=0;                       
00170         /// called before stopping
00171         virtual void onStop()=0;                        
00173         /// updates precise poses map
00174         void updatePPMap(const point& rpos, binMap& ppmap, float disp, bool badloc);
00175         /// updates imprecise poses map
00176         void updateIPMap(const point& rpos, binMap& ipmap, float disp, bool badloc);
00178         /// returns a likely evolution of the robot pose using the odometry model
00179         pose odometryModel(const pose& lastOdo, const pose& deltaOdo, const pose& lastPose);
00183 //--------------------------------------------------------------------- 
00184 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00185 };
00187 inline void vslamFilter::setRobotBase(int robot, robotBase& rb)                         {rbase[robot] = &rb;};
00188 inline void vslamFilter::setWorldModel (worldModelInterface& s)                         {scene = &s;};
00189 inline int vslamFilter::getNumRobots() const                                            {return nBots;};
00190 inline float vslamFilter::getWidth() const                                              {return width;};
00191 inline float vslamFilter::getHeight() const                                             {return height;};
00192 inline float vslamFilter::getXOrigin() const                                            {return xorigin;};
00193 inline float vslamFilter::getYOrigin() const                                            {return yorigin;};
00194 inline int vslamFilter::getGMWidth() const                                              {return gmwidth;};
00195 inline int vslamFilter::getGMHeight() const                                             {return gmheight;};
00196 inline float vslamFilter::getResolution() const                                         {return resolution;};
00197 inline void vslamFilter::setHighThreshold(float thb)                                    {th_high = thb;};
00198 inline void vslamFilter::setLowThreshold(float tha)                                     {th_low = tha;};
00199 inline bool vslamFilter::getLoc(int robot) const                                        {return (robot<nBots)? badlocalized[robot] : 0;};
00200 inline float vslamFilter::getTime() const                                               {return scene->getTime();};
00201 inline float vslamFilter::getSampleTime() const                                         {return scene->getSampleTime();};
00203 #endif
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