Project Related Publications

(0 Papers)

User Voice Assistance Tool for Teleoperation
O. Reinoso, C. Fernández, R. Ñeco
Advances in Telerobotics  (2007) - STAR 31, pp. 107-120
Ed. Serie STAR, Springer-Verlag  ISBN:978-3-540-71363-0  ISSN:1610-7438   [Abstract]   [Document]


Dynamic virtual environment to test teleoperated systems with time delay communications
JM. Sabater, JM. Azorin, O. Reinoso, RP Ñeco, N Garcia
Journal of Robotics Systems  (USA 2005) - Volume 22(4), pp 167 – 181
Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc  ISSN:0741-2223   [DOI]   [Web]

Técnicas para la navegación visual continua de un robot móvil
N. García, C. Pérez, L. Payá, J.M. Azorín, J.M. Sabater
XXVI Jornadas de Automática  (Alicante-Elche, September 2005)

Parameters selection and stability analysis of invariant visual servoing with weighted features
N. García, O. Reinoso, E. Malis, R. Aracil
2005 IEEE International Conference on ROBOTICS & AUTOMATION (ICRA 2005)  (Barcelona, April 2005) - pp 3503 – 3508

Robust image-based visual servoing system using a redundant architecture
R. Aracil, N. García, C. Pérez, L. Payá, J. M. Sabater, J. M. Azorín, L. M. Jiménez
16TH IFAC WORLD CONGRESS  (Praga (República Checa), 2005) - pp. 188-192
 ISBN: 008045108X   [Abstract]   [Document]

Performance Analysis of a Continuous Vision-based Control System for the Navigation of a Mobile Robot
N. García, R. Aracil, C. Pérez, J.M. Sabater, J.M Azorín, O. Reinoso, R. Saltarén
16th IFAC WORLD CONGRESS  (Praga (República Checa), July 2005)


Control of Teleoperators with Communication Time Delay through State Convergence
J.M. Azorín, O. Reinoso, R. Aracil, M. Ferre
Journal of Robotic Systems  (USA, 2004) - Volume 21, pp 167-182
Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  ISSN:0741-2223   [Web]

Generalized Control Method by State Convergence of Teleoperation Systems with Time-Delay
J.M. Azorín, O. Reinoso, R. Aracil, M. Ferre
Automatica  (Holanda, 2004) - Volume 40,pp 1575–1582
 ISSN:0005-1098   [Web]

Robot hand visual tracking using an adaptive fuzzy logic controller
C. Pérez, O. Reinoso, M.A. Vicente
Journal of WSCG  (2004) - Volume 12

Control Architectures and Advanced Interfaces for Telerobotic Systems (Chapter 4)
N.M. García, O. Reinoso, R.P. Ñeco, J.M. Azorín, J.M. Sabater
E-Treballs d'Informàtica i Tecnologia, 1  (España, 2004) - pp: 1-31
Ed. Universitat Jaume I  ISBN:84-8021-462-7

Gripper tracking with trajectory prediction and adaptive fuzzy control
C. Pérez, O. Reinoso, N. García, R.P. Ñeco, M.A. Vicente
World Automation Congreso (WAC-ISSCI)  (Sevilla 2004)

Control visual continuo permitiendo cambios de visibilidad en las características de la imagen
R. Aracil, O. Reinoso, N. García, C. Pérez, L. Payá
XXV Jornadas de Automática  (Ciudad Real 2004)

Kinematics Correspondence & Scaling Issues in Virtual Telerobotics Systems
J.M. Azorín, J.M. Sabater, L. Payá, N. García
World Automation Congress 2004  (Sevilla, August 2004) - Volume 4
Ed. TSI Press CD ROM Series  ISBN:1-889335-20-7

Cooperative image-based visual servoing system using a redundant architecture
N. García, L. Payá, J.M. Sabater, O. Reinoso, R. Aracil
Intelligent Manipulation and Grasping  (Génova- Italia 2004) - pp 571-578

Control through State Convergence of Teleoperation Systems with Varying Time Delay
J.M. Azorín, O. Reinoso, J. M. Sabater, R. Aracil
1st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2004)  (Setubal- Portugal, August 2004) - Volume 2, pp 379 – 382
Ed. INSTICC Press. Portugal  ISBN:972-8865-12-0

Avoiding Visual Servoing Singularities using a Cooperative Control Architecture
N. García, C. Pérez, L. Payá, R. Ñeco, J. M. Sabater, J. M. Azorín
1st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics  (Setubal- Portugal, August 2004) - Volume 2, pp 162 – 168
Ed. INSTICC Press. Portugal  ISBN:972-8865-12-0


Visual Servo Control of Industrial Robot Manipulator
N. García, G. Mamani, O. Reinoso, O. Nasisi, R. Aracil, R. Carelli
IFAC b'02 15th Trienal World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control  (2003)
Ed. PERGAMON  ISBN:0-08-044226-9, 0-08-044184-X  ISSN:1474-6670

Dynamic Analysis for a Teleoperation System with Time Delay
J.M. Azorín, O. Reinoso, J. M. Sabater, R.P. Ñeco, R. Aracil
IEEE Conference on Control Applications  (Turquía- Estambul 2003) - pp 1170 – 1180
 ISBN:0-7803-7729-X  ISSN:1085-1992

A New Control Method of Teleoperators with Time Delay
J. M. Azorín, O. Reinoso, J. M. Sabater, C. Pérez, R. Aracil
11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR 2003)  (Coimbra, 2003) - pp 100 - 106
Ed. Universidade de Coimbra  ISBN:972-96889-8-2

Robot Modelling on Dynamic Teleoperation Virtual Environments
J. M. Sabater, J. M. Azorín, O. Reinoso, R. P. Ñeco, N. M. García
11th Internacional Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR 2003)  (Coimbra (Portugal), 2003) - pp 526 - 531
Ed. Universidade de Coimbra  ISBN:972-96889-8-2

Herramienta para la simulación de tareas teleoperadas de n grados de libertad
J. M. Sabater, J. M. Azorín, R. P. Ñeco, O. Reinoso, N. García
XXIV Jornadas de Automática  (León 2003)
Ed. Universidad de León  ISBN:84-931846-7-5

Stability Analysis of a Telerobotic System with Time Delay
J.M. Azorín, O. Reinoso, J.M. Sabater, R. Aracil
IFAC Workshop on Time-Delay Systems TDS  (Rocquencourt- Francia 2003)

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