MRXT: The Multi-Robot eXploration Tool
Multi-Robot autonomous exploration and mapping simulator.
Public Member Functions
gridMapInterface Class Reference

Interface to grid map algorithm class. More...

#include <gridMapInterface.h>

Inheritance diagram for gridMapInterface:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void clearUnconnect (binMap &vz, int x, int y) const =0
virtual gridMapInterfaceclone () const =0
 clone method
virtual int countAccessible (const point *p, int numpoints, binMap &accessible) const =0
virtual void esz (int x, int y, binMap &esz, int dilaterad, int size) const =0
 Evaluates the expected safe zone viewed from a given point.
virtual int frontiers (binMap &frontiers) const =0
 Returns a binMap of the frontiers.
virtual int frontiersIn (const binMap &zone, binMap &frontiers) const =0
 Returns a binMap of the frontiers inside the given zone.
virtual void gateways (const binMap &esz, binMap &gateways) const =0
 Looks for gateways in a given zone.
virtual int getHeight () const =0
 returns the height of the grid map
virtual pointgetLine (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int &points) const =0
 returns an array of points of size points for a line that joins point (x1,y1) and point x2,y2)
virtual IplImage * getMapAsImage () const =0
 Get the map as a new opencv image.
virtual float getRealHeight () const =0
 returns the height of the grid map
virtual float getRealWidth () const =0
 returns the width of the grid map
virtual float getResolution () const =0
 returns the grid map resolution in meters
virtual float getValue (int x, int y) const =0
 return the occupancy probability of the cell
virtual float getValue (int x, int y, int range) const =0
 return the occupancy probability of the cell
virtual int getWidth () const =0
 returns the width of the grid map
virtual float getXOrigin () const =0
 returns the x real coordinates of pixel(0,0)
virtual float getYOrigin () const =0
 returns the y real coordinates of pixel(0,0)
virtual void initialize (float width, float height, float resolution, float xorigin, float yorigin)=0
 Initializes with size in meters and related to real coordinates.
virtual bool isfree (int x, int y) const =0
 true if the cell is free
virtual bool isfree (int x, int y, int rad) const =0
 true if all cells in a given square mask of radius rad are free (Totally free)
virtual bool isfreeD (int x, int y) const =0
 true if all cells in a diamond 1px mask of radius rad are free (Totally free)
virtual bool isfrontier (int x, int y) const =0
 true if the cell is frontier
virtual bool isoccupied (int x, int y) const =0
 true if the cell is occupied
virtual bool isoccupied (int x, int y, int rad) const =0
 true if a cell in a given square mask of radius rad is occupied (Partially occupied)
virtual bool isunknown (int x, int y) const =0
 true if the cell is unknown
virtual bool isunknown (int x, int y, int size) const =0
 true if a cell in a given square mask of radius rad is unknown (Partially unknown)
virtual int loadMapFromFile (const char *file)=0
 load a map from disk
virtual void occupiedCells (binMap &occupied, int dilateRad=1) const =0
 Return the occupied cells.
virtual gridMapInterfaceoperator= (const gridMapInterface &)=0
 assigment operator
virtual void reset ()=0
 Resets the occupation probability for the total map.
virtual void saveMapAsImage (const char *file) const =0
 Save function.
virtual int saveMapToFile (const char *file) const =0
 save a map to disk
virtual void setResolution (float res)=0
 sets the grid map resolution in meters
virtual void setXOrigin (float xori)=0
 sets the x real coordinates of pixel(0,0)
virtual void setYOrigin (float yori)=0
 sets the y real coordinates of pixel(0,0)
virtual void showMap (const char *windowname) const =0
 Show binMap.
virtual point toCell (float x, float y) const =0
virtual pointf toCoords (int x, int y) const =0
virtual void update (const rangeSensorData &rsData, const pose &rpos, float disp)=0
 Updates the occupancy grid using the new data.

Detailed Description

Interface to grid map algorithm class.

Definition at line 31 of file gridMapInterface.h.

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