MRXT: The Multi-Robot eXploration Tool
Multi-Robot autonomous exploration and mapping simulator.
team Member List
This is the complete list of members for team, including all inherited members.
getGlobalSlam() const team [inline]
getNRobots() const team [inline]
getRobot(int r) const team [inline]
globalSlam (defined in team)team [private]
initialize(int nrobots, worldModelInterface &scene, ConfigFile &stratConfig, ConfigFile &slamConfig, int robotType, const char *teamName)team
nrobots (defined in team)team [private]
scene (defined in team)team [private]
setLogName(const char *)team
setWorldModel(worldModelInterface &scene)team
team(int nrobots, worldModelInterface &scene, ConfigFile &stratConfig, ConfigFile &slamConfig, int robotType, const char *teamName)team
teamName (defined in team)team [private]
theRobots (defined in team)team [private]
waitForTaskFinished() (defined in team)team
~team()team [virtual]
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