Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory (ARVC)
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Oscar Reinoso García

Oscar Reinoso

Professor and Researcher

Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision Lab.

Miguel Hernández University


Miguel Hernández University
Systems Engineering and Automation Department
INNOVA Building
Avda. Universidad s/n
03202 - Elche (Alicante) SPAIN

Tel:  +34 96 665 8616


My Projects

Research Projects


Title: Development of an intelligent surveillance and security infrastructure system based on mobile robots

Funded by: AVI (Agència Valenciana de la Innovació)

Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2025

Description: The project focuses on the use of terrestrial mobile robots for the surveillance of indoor and outdoor environments, access control and people identification. It is proposed the realization of technological developments that digitize and automate the tasks of surveillance of buildings and infrastructures by means of mobile robots aided by artificial intelligence techniques. The project considers the development of a complete surveillance system that will integrate: a set of intelligent mobile robots equipped with sensors, a human-machine interface software system that will allow efficient interaction between operators and robots and, finally, a wireless communications system that will allow the exchange of information in the system.

The developed system can be exploited by security companies for the surveillance of indoor or outdoor environments or by law enforcement agencies. During the course of the project, a demonstration system will be created to validate this application and make it ready for a level close to the market. In this way, the aim is to reduce uncertainties about the technical and commercial viability of this technology. The demonstrators will make it possible to test the operation of the monitoring system under real operating conditions and will also make it possible to present the product to companies interested in its commercial exploitation.

This project with reference INNVA1/2023/61 has been funded by the Valencian Innovation Agency.
Valencian Innovation Agency

Keywords: Mobile robots, visual perception, multisensory fusion, infrastructure surveillance

Head Researcher: Arturo Gil, Luis Payá

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Title: Hybrid Robots and Multisensory Reconstruction for Applications in Lattice Structures (HyReBot)

Funded by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Duration: 09/2021 - 08/2024

Description: The use of reticular structures, which are composed of a number of beams or bars closely intertwined, is widespread nowadays in the construction of all types of fastening and support components for different infrastructures. They are especially indicated in metal bridges but also in roofs of hangars and spacious industrial buildings. They are generally formed by a set of highly interlinked and interconnected bars, joined together by nodes (either rigid or articulated), forming a three-dimensional structural mesh. The execution of both inspection and maintenance tasks on this type of reticular structures is especially challenging owing to (a) the access problems because of the high interconnection of the bars through the nodes and (b) the complexity of going through paths that permit moving from one starting point to a target point while traversing these structural nodes.

Aerial vehicles have been considered along the past few years as a possible solution to automate these inspection and maintenance tasks on reticular three-dimensional structures. However, the high complexity of such structures (often including narrow gaps between nodes and bars and with a strongly heterogeneous distribution) limits the use of this type of aerial vehicles, since they could not enter the different internal locations of the structure that are not easily accessible. Another of the limitations of this type of vehicles is their limited manipulation capacity while they are in the air.

The present research project focuses on this field. The project will explore the possibility of using robotic units that can move along these reticular structures in such a way that they can navigate through them with 6 degrees of freedom and traverse the reticular nodes present in them, regardless of their arrangement, layout and 3D configuration of the mesh. To address these inspection and / or maintenance tasks, this research project proposes the analysis, design and implementation of hybrid robots. They will consist of simple modules with few degrees of freedom, either with serial or parallel structure, designed in such a way that, when combined into hybrid robots, they can effectively navigate through these reticular structures despite all the challenging issues they present. In addition to analyzing these robots in depth, both from the kinematic and dynamic point of view, we propose to analyze and demonstrate their ability to navigate through such reticular workspaces, negotiating any possible arrangement of reticular nodes present in such structures.

Finally, it is essential to have a sufficiently precise model of the reticular structure in which these modular robots have to operate and to estimate efficiently their position and orientation in this environment. Considering the experience of the members of the research team in previous projects, the present project also proposes performing the reconstruction of these environments (three-dimensional grid structures), based on the fusion of the information provided by both range and visual sensors in a 360o field of perception around the robot. To achieve this objective, deep learning techniques will be used to efficiently process the high amount of data provided by the sensors.

Project PID2020-116418RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.
Agencia Estatal de Investigación

Keywords: Hybrid robots, visual perception, sensor fusion, reticular structures

Head Researcher: L. Payá, O. Reinoso

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Duration: 01/2021 - 12/2024

Description: Durante los últimos años el número de robots que se utilizan para la realización de tareas de forma autónoma en múltiples ámbitos y sectores se ha venido incrementando paulatinamente. Hoy en día es posible encontrarnos la presencia de robots realizando tareas repetitivas y en entornos controlados abordando tareas complejas y en ocasiones peligrosas. Sin embargo, la realización de tareas por parte de robots en entornos no controlados con presencia de objetos y elementos móviles (como puede ser la presencia de personas y otros robots) y que requieren la necesidad de realizar desplazamientos entre diferentes puntos de la escena presenta notables inconvenientes que es preciso abordar con objeto de posibilitar una mayor integración de los robots en este tipo de escenarios.

En este proyecto de investigación plantea abordar actividades de investigación dentro de este ámbito en tres líneas específicas: navegación, reconocimiento y manipulación, con objeto de posibilitar avanzar en la integración de los robots y la realización de tareas dentro de estos entornos. Por un lado, es necesario tener en cuenta la presencia de los seres humanos en estos entornos sociales, dado que su posible movimiento y la forma en que se comporten afectará a la manera en que deben moverse los robots y en definitiva a la navegación de estos dentro de estos escenarios. Además, es preciso avanzar en tareas de reconocimiento del entorno identificando los escenarios con objeto de que la localización de los robots dentro de estos sea más robusta y precisa. Finalmente se abordará el problema de la manipulación de los objetos por parte de estos robots teniendo en cuenta la flexibilidad tanto en la forma como en la deformabilidad de estos.

Proyecto PROMETEO 075/2021 financiado por la Consellería de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana
Valencian Innovation Agency

Head Researcher: Oscar Reinoso

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Title: Development of intelligent mobile technologies to address security tasks and surveillance indoors and outdoors

Funded by: Agencia Estatal de Investigación. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Duration: 12/2022 - 11/2024

Description: This project proposes using mobile robots and machine learning technologies to carry out surveillance and security tasks in indoor and outdoor environments. During the course of the project, it is expected to generate scientific knowledge and carry out technological developments that digitize and automate the tasks of surveillance of buildings, infrastructures and industry. Such developments are expected to have potential of technology transfer to security companies, State security forces and emergency units.

Currently, these tasks are carried out by specialized personnel, with the aid mainly of cameras located in fixed positions and cctv systems. In this project, it is proposed to perform this surveillance in a much more effective way and more safely for these personnel, with the support of cooperating mobile robots that can patrol the areas to be monitored and use different types of sensors (omnidirectional vision cameras, infrared cameras, laser range and proximity sensors) and sensor fusion technologies to address two major problems: (a) robot navigation through the environment to be monitored, including building a model or map, localization and trajectory planning and (b) interpretation of the environment so that suspicious objects, intrusions by unauthorized personnel and other potentially dangerous situations such as fire sources and overheating in facilities can be detected. The project includes the creation of an intuitive graphical interface that allows the user to interact with the robots and maps created, know the alarms that have been generated and influence the task carried out by the robots.

Both the cooperation between the robots themselves and the cooperation between the potential remote operator and the robots is critical to effective surveillance. It is a cutting-edge technological aspect with great development in current international research works. Other technologies involved in the project, such as object and person recognition, deep learning and autonomous robot navigation, are also among the most developed today. The proposing research group has a consolidated track record and extensive experience in the fields of mobile robotics, machine learning, image processing and sensor fusion.

Therefore, the proposed idea is framed within the field of digital transition and seeks to improve and enhance technology to apply it to security and surveillance tasks in buildings, infrastructures and facilities. The main goal of the project is to ameliorate the quality of the work of security employees and improve the competitiveness of security companies. In particular, the use of mobile robots is proposed in situations in which the use of static security cameras is inappropriate or insufficient, or to serve as support and assistance to existing security personnel. A use case will be, for example, the surveillance of large areas of land in adverse conditions (cold, extreme heat). In addition, the mobile robots will be equipped with sensors that will allow the detection of intrusions or security failures in low or no lighting conditions. The proposal also aims to have a minimum ecological impact, as it will use highly efficient electric mobile robots.

This project has been founded by Agencia Estatal de Investigación. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Agencia Estatal de Investigación

Keywords: Mobile robot, computer vision, image processing, sensor fusion, robot navigation, deep learning

Head Researcher: A. Gil, L. Payá

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Title: Análisis inicial de herramientas de IA para la predicción de la malignización de las gammapatías de significado incierto a mieloma múltiple u otras patologías linfoproliferativas

Funded by: Generalitat Valenciana

Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2023

Description: Existe el riesgo de progresión de pacientes con gammapatía monoclonal de significado incierto a Mieloma Múltiple. Aunque se conocen clasificaciones basadas en el riesgo de evolución a cáncer, hay que realizar controles médicos de por vida para detectar la evolución hacia la malignización de las gammapatías. Se explorarán los datos existentes y se realizará un análisis inicial del funcionamiento de diversas herramientas de IA, para establecer la capacidad de predicción de cada una de ellas.

Proyecto financiado por la Consellería de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana
Valencian Innovation Agency

Head Researcher: L. Payá

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Title: Planificación de movimientos robóticos en estructuras metálicas

Funded by: Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche

Duration: 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2022

Description: Hoy en día nos encontramos con estructuras reticulares metálicas tridimensionales n numerosas construcciones artificiales, como estadios, torres de alta tensión o de telecomunicaciones, aeropuertos, obras de construcción, redes de conductos en refinerías, centrales nucleares o construcciones aeroespaciales. Estas estructuras, formadas por barras interconectadas, formando auténticas redes metálicas, requieren una inspección periódica y mantenimiento para preservar su buen estado y funcionamiento y evitar que su estabilidad estructural sevea comprometida por el deterioro. Ejemplos de las tareas requeridas son el recubrimiento de las barras metálicas de la estructura mediante pinturas protectoras para frenar su corrosión, la inspección no destructiva para detectar posibles grietas y defectos de soldadura o el apriete de uniones roscadas, entre otros.

Tradicionalmente, estas tareas han sido realizadas por operarios humanos que, provistos de mecanismos de seguridad como arneses, tienen que subir a la estructura y realizar las citadas operaciones. A pesar de que las posibles medidas de seguridad que se puedan adoptar, la realización de estas operaciones es peligrosa para humanos, que se ven sometidos a importantes riesgos para su seguridad y salud. Con el fin de evitar estos peligros para los operarios humanos, la posibilidad de realizar estas tareas peligrosas en altura por medio de robots (autónomos o teleoperados) es una línea que se viene acometiendo durante las últimas tres décadas. En este proyecto el objetivo consiste en planificar movimientos que pueda realizar un robot híbrido de forma que pueda navegar a través de estas estructuras y pasar a través de los nodos estructurales fijándose de forma oportuna para poder acometer tareas de inspección y mantenimiento.

Head Researcher: Oscar Reinoso Garcia

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Creación de modelos jerárquicos y localización robusta de robots móviles en entornos sociales

Title: Creación de modelos jerárquicos y localización robusta de robots móviles en entornos sociales

Funded by: Generalitat Valenciana

Duration: 01/01/2019 a 31/12/2020

Description: El proyecto se centra en el campo de construcción de mapas y localización usando visión omnidireccional, avanzando hacia un paradigma híbrido topológico-métrico, que permita (a) construir un mapa semántico incrementamente, mientras el robot explora el entorno desconocido y (b) estimar la posición y orientación del robot, con precisón, con 6 grados de libertad y un coste computacional razonale. Asimismo, con el objetivo de mejorar la integración del robot móvil en entornos sociales reales, en los que debe de interaccionar con personas, se incluiraán algunas características en el modelo que lo hagan compatible con la percepción humana.
De este modo, la propuesta pretende ir más allá del concepto de localización jerárquica multi-nivel, adaptándola a entornos sociales, extensos y complejos, e incluyendo la colaboración con las personas usuarias a través de comandos de alto nivel. Esta propuesta se organiza en torno a dos líneas de investigación princiales:

  • Línea A: Creación de mapas híbridos métrico-topológicos, incrementalmente, a partir de la apariencia global de un conjunto de escenas.
  • Línea B: Construcción de modelos de un entorno que permitan localización con 6 grados de libertad a partir de información visual.

Keywords: Robot móvil; visión omnidireccional; Mapa híbrido; localización jerárquica; entornos sociales

Head Researcher: L. Payá

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Map Building by Means of Appearance Visual Systems for Robot Navigation

Title: Map Building by Means of Appearance Visual Systems for Robot Navigation

Funded by: CICYT Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Duration: 01/01/2017 al 31/12/2019

Description: In order to be truly autonomous, a mobile robot should be capable of navigating through any kind of environment while carrying out a task. In order to do that it is considered necessary that the robot possesses the ability to create a model of its workspace that allows to estimate its position inside it and navigate along a trajectory.
Map building and navigation is currently a very active research area, in which a large number of researchers focus on and where very different approaches have emerged based on diverse algorithms and using various kind of sensorial information. To the present days, most of the efforts have been focusing on construction of models of the environment based on a set of significant points extracted from it without considering the global appearance of the scene.
Considering the concepts posed above, we propose the improvement and development of new mechanisms that allow an efficient, robust and precise modelling of the environment by making use of omnidirectional vision systems. The research group has experience in the mentioned areas and during the last years has developed different approaches in the areas of map building, localization, exploration and SLAM by means of information gathered by different kind of vision systems installed on the robots. In order to carry out these approaches, an extensive study of the different description methods has been performed, both based on the extraction of significant points and local descriptors and also those methods based on the global appearance of the image, with remarkable results.

Keywords: Mobile robots, autonomous navigation, computer vision, omnidirectional systems

Head Researcher: L. Payá, O. Reinoso

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Title: Robotic Navigation in Dynamic Environments by means of Compact Maps with Global Appearance Visual Information

Funded by: CICYT Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Duration: 01/09/2014 al 31/05/2017

Description: Carrying out a task by a team of mobile robots that move across an unknown environment is one of the open research lines with a higher scope for a large development in the mid-term. In order to accomplish this task it has been proved necessary to possess a highly detailed map of the environment that will allow the localization of the robots as they execute a particular task. During the last years the proposer research team has worked with remarkable results in the field of SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) with teams of mobile robots. The work has considered the use of robots equipped with cameras and the inclusion of the visual information gathered in order to build map models. So far, different kind of maps have been built, including metric maps based on visual landmarks, as well as topological maps base on global appearance-based information extracted from images.
These maps have allowed the navigation of the robots in these maps as well as the performance of high level tasks in the environment. Nonetheless, there exists space for improvement in several areas related to the research carried out so far. Currently, one of the important problems consists in the treatment of the visual information and the updating of this information as the environment changes gradually. In addition, the maps should be created considering the dynamic and static part of the environment (for example when other mobile robots or people move in the environment), thus leading to the creation of more realistic models, as well as strategies to update the maps as changes are detected. A different research line considers the creation of maps that combine simultaneously the information about the topology of the environment, as well as semantic and metric information that will allow a more effective localization of the robot in large environments and, in addition, will enable a hierarchical localization in these maps. The proposed research project considers to tackle the aforementioned lines, thus considering the task of developing dynamic visual maps that will incorporate the semantic and topological structure of the environment, as well as the metric information when the robots perform trajectories with 6 degrees of freedom.

Keywords: Mobile Robots, Visual Maps, Topological and Compact Navigation, Visual SLAM

Head Researcher: A. Gil, O. Reinoso

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Title: Integrated Exploration of Enviroments by means of Cooperative Robots in order to build 3D Visual and Topological Maps intended for 6 DOF Navigation

Funded by: CICYT Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Duration: 01/01/2011 al 31/12/2013

Description: While a group of mobile robots carry out a task, they need to find their location within the environment. In consequence a precise map of a general and undetermined environment has to be known by the robots. During the last decade a series of methods have been developed that allow the construction of the map by a mobile robot. These algorithms consider the case in which the vehicle moves along the environment, constructs the map while, simultaneously, computes its location within the map. As a result, this problem has been named Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). This research project focusses thus on the construction of visual maps in 3D general unknown environments by using a team of mobile robots equipped with vision sensors. In this sense, we propose to undertake, among others, the following lines: 6 DOF cooperative visual SLAM, in which the robots move following general trajectories in the environment (with 6 degrees of freedom) instead of the classical trajectories in which it is assumed that the robots navigates on a two-dimensional plane; integrated exploration, where the exploration paths of the robots consider to maximize the knowledge of the environment and, at the same time, take into account the uncertainty in the maps created by the robot(s); map alginment and map fusion of local maps created by different robots; and finally, the creation of maps using the information based in the visual appearance that allows the construction of high-level topological maps.

Keywords: Robotics, Visual SLAM, Cooperative Exploration

Head Researcher: O. Reinoso

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VISCOBOT: Percepction

Title: Cooperative Mobile Visual Perception Systems as support for tasks performed by means Robot Networks

Funded by: CICYT Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Duration: 1/10/2007 - 30/09/2010

Description: Performing tasks in a coordinated manner by means of a team of robots is a topic of great interest and allows to improve the results compared to the single-robot case. The current research project focuses on this particular field and proposes the need to use different vision systems distributed along the mobile agent network that gather a precise and complete description of the environment. To cope with the proposed goals it will be necessary to tackle with different research lines, in consequence, we are working on the following subjects: Cooperative map building and localization using particle filters, Visual landmark modelling: Improving data association in visual SLAM, development of cooperative exploration strategies using the information provided by each robot, cooperative reconstruction of environments using appearance based methods.

Keywords: Robots Cooperativos, SLAM visual, Exploración cooperativa, Reconstrucción basada en apariencia

Head Researcher: O. Reinoso

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Cooperative Robotics

Title: Collaborative Teleoperation Tools. Application to cooperative robot control

Funded by: CICYT Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia

Duration: 12/2004 - 11/2007

Description: The present project is devoted to the development of advanced teleoperation tools focused in three main goals: a collaborative control scheme allowing one or more users to participate in the execution of tasks; cooperative control techniques for multiple robots so that they work simultaneously and helping each other; and a general, non-structured environment where there may be several moving objects whose dynamics may affect the execution of the task. Research is performed in several technological areas in order to cover the project objectives. The following developments are proposed: efficient dialog techniques between users, between robots and between both agents; cooperative control strategies, both generic and adapted to particular test-bed tasks; sensor fusion techniques in charge of the management of the data provided by the different sensors and the users; 3D scene recognition from the data acquired by each robot from a different point of view; and visual control to adapt the robot movements to the changing environment.

Keywords: cooperative robots, collaborative control, teleoperation

Head Researcher: O. Reinoso

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Title: Study and analysis of disc-based cutting of natural stone by means monitoring the process

Funded by: Generalitat Valenciana

Duration: 1/1/2004 - 31/12/2005

Keywords: Stone Cutting

Head Researcher: O. Reinoso


Title: Modelling of Virtual enviroments for training in teleoperated systems for dynamic enviroments

Funded by: CICYT Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia

Duration: 28/12/2001 - 27/12/2004

Description: This research project is a continuation of a previous one (Automatic and Remote-Control Architectures Learning Systems) in which diverse tools were developed that let carry out tasks in a remote environment by means of advanced interfaces incorporation. From the designed architecture in the previous project, we have developed in the current one new research lines which focus on dynamic virtual environments incorporation to remote-control systems with the purpose that the operator can simulate the resultant effect of realise an specific action on the dynamic environment, before these actions really carry out in the remote environment.

Keywords: Teleoperation, robotics, learning, haptics, visual control

Head Researcher: O. Reinoso

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Title: Multiaxial test system fort area yield improvement in the fabrication of leather, enhancing leather characteristics and diminishing enviromental impact

Funded by: U.E.CRAFT- Programa GROWTH

Duration: 8/2001 - 7/2003

Description: The goals of this project are Development of an appropriate mechanical device for stretching the leather and a watertight container, to carry out the thermal treatments and trials in order to determine the conditions of the water thermal treatment that gives maximum area yield (in many cases higher than 10%) on standard leather fabrication.

Keywords: Test, leather manufacturing

Head Researcher: L.M. Jiménez

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TREPA: Palmtree Climbing Teleoperated Robot

Title: Climbing robot for plamtree and cilyndrical structures maintenance

Funded by: CICYT Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia

Duration: 1/1/2000 - 31/12/2001

Description: This project proposes the application of parallel plataforms as climbing robots, considering the great load capacity these mechanic structures own and the flexibility to evolve in a tight work space. A theoretical framework of analysis of kinematics and dynamics of this sort of robotic structures has been studied, and its applications as climbing robots.

Keywords: Teleoperation, robotics, learning, haptics, visual control

Head Researcher: O. Reinoso

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Teleoperated Robot Control

Title: Automatic Learning systems in control architectures for Teleoperation

Funded by: CICYT Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia

Duration: 11/1998 - 12/2000

Description: This project proposes the development of a teleoperated system with a high degree of automatization which learns tasks previously done by an operator. The need of learning of task capabilities shows up from the consideration of operation in non-structured and unknown environments. In this way, in the first stage, will be the operator who shows the way a remote task must be done, and afterwards, the system must learn the specific relations that define such execution in order to repeat that task in similar conditions.

Keywords: Teleoperation, robotics, learning, computer vision

Head Researcher: O. Reinoso

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Robot application for automatic finishing of plastic inyection products

Title: Automatic Finishing System

Funded by: IMPIVA - en colaboración con INESCOOP

Duration: 9/1998 - 9/1999

Description: The process of shot casting generates remains (curls) caused by the division among tools that affect the final quality of the manufactured product. After this process is necessary to continue with a trimming that eliminates these previously generated remains. So, we use a robotized arm with visual sensors that makes the suitable treatment for the different tools in production possible.

Keywords: Robotics

Head Researcher: O. Reinoso

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Subpixel Image Procesing

Title: Subpixel techniques for border Detection

Funded by: Generalitat Valenciana

Duration: 1/1/1999 - 31/12/1999

Description: One of the main problems in artificial vision is the need to increase the spatial resolution of the object images that are studied. We propose a system which is enable to detect zones of interest for the analysis inside an image and to increase the resolution in such areas.

Keywords: Computer vision, Subpixel

Head Researcher: O. Reinoso

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Technical Assistance

Hacia la formación práctica ubicua y digital en robótica mediante laboratorios remotos

Title: Convenio de Colaboración para el desarrollo del proyecto "Hacia la formación práctica ubicua y digital en robótica mediante laboratorios remotos”

Funded by: Centro de Inteligencia Digital de la Provincia de Alicante (CENID)

Duration: 6 meses (abril 2022 - octubre 2022)

Description: Este proyecto pretende desarrollar un laboratorio remoto, que consiste en una plataforma ciberfísica que permite al estudiantado de carreras técnicas conectarse a robots de forma remota, para hacer prácticas de laboratorio y experimentos con dichos robots, a través de Internet. Esto permitirá dotar al estudiantado de mayor flexibilidad espacial y temporal, permitiéndoles hacer prácticas de laboratorio de forma ubicua, sin limitarlos a tener que desplazarse a un laboratorio físico para realizar las prácticas únicamente en las horas en las que el acceso a dicho laboratorio está habilitado. El estudiantado se conectará a los robots reales a través de un servidor web y, a través de una interfaz, podrá comandar movimientos o experimentos para realizar con los robots remotos. El movimiento de los robots se mostrará a través de una webcam en tiempo real, y también se devolverá información relativa a los resultados del experimento remoto, información que será captada mediante sensores de posición, velocidad, y fuerza, colocados en el robot real. Los robots remotos que se implementarán para hacer prácticas a distancia serán de tipo paralelo o de cadena cinemática cerrada, ya que éstos disponen de mayor riqueza que los robots tradicionales de cadena cinemática serie, a la hora de ser estudiados en asignaturas de control y robótica.

Las actividades que abarcará este proyecto serán las siguientes cuatro: 1) construcción de dos robots paralelos con los que el estudiantado pueda realizar prácticas y experimentos a través de internet, 2) implementación del servidor web que gestione las reservas y el acceso remoto de los robots por parte del estudiantado, 3) la programación de interfaces gráficas de usuario que permitan al estudiantado comandar órdenes y experimentos a la vez que se observa el movimiento del robot en tiempo real a través de una webcam, y 4) diseño de prácticas y experimentos didácticos a realizar con la ayuda del laboratorio remoto desarrollado. El principal resultado esperado de este proyecto es la materialización del mencionado laboratorio remoto, que permitirá flexibilizar la realización ubicua de prácticas con robots reales a distancia, haciendo uso de las tecnologías digitales al servicio de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje.

Keywords: Robot paralelo, laboratorio remoto, prácticas de laboratorio, identificación, control

Head Researcher: Adrián Peidró

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Title: Desarrollo de algoritmos de detección y seguimiento de marcas visuales artificiales para la navegación de drones en tareas de inspección de grandes terrenos


Duration: 11/2020 - 04/2021

Head Researcher: A. Gil

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Title: Aplicación de sistemas de visión artificial para el desarrollo de entornos de realidad aumentada y análisis estadístico de datos metrológicos


Duration: 2020

Head Researcher: O. Reinoso

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Title: Contrato para el desarrollo de un software para la detección y medición de los diferentes tonos de piel


Duration: 2019 - 2020

Head Researcher: O. Reinoso

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Title: Contrato de desarrollo de software

Funded by: Q-BOT LIMITED

Duration: 2016

Head Researcher: O. Reinoso

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Title: Contrato para la realización de los trabajos de desarrollo experimental que forman parte del Proyecto presentado al Plan Avanza2 de título "iCOPILOT Asistente inteligente a la conducción"


Duration: 2014

Head Researcher: O. Reinoso

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Title: Contrato para la realización de los trabajos de desarrollo experimental que forman parte del proyecto presentado al Plan Avanza2 de título "SUPVERT Vehículo Autónomo Aéreo para Inspección de estructuras Verticales"


Duration: 2014

Head Researcher: O. Reinoso

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GRASS: Artificial Grass Pavements

Title: Criteria generation for the development of damping bases applied to artificial grass floorings

Funded by: Euro Grass 2002 S.L.

Duration: 2009

Head Researcher: O. Reinoso

Essay A&CN (I)

Title: Development of an acquisition system for impact absorption and deformation essays covering normative UNE 4158 IN

Funded by: Automatica & Control Numérico (A&CN)

Duration: 1/2007 - 1/2008

Head Researcher: O. Reinoso

Essay A&CN (II)

Title: Analysis and deployment of a Mechanical System or Sporting Pavement covering normative UNE 4158 IN

Funded by: Automática & Control Numérico (A&CN)

Duration: 4/2007 - 1/2008

Head Researcher: O. Reinoso


Title: Computer Vision System for tracking nad recording of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus

Funded by: Ayuntamiento de Elche - Estación PHOENIX

Duration: 4/2006 - 7/2007

Description: The goal of this project is to design and build a visual recording system that allows studying the behaviour of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus in the proximity of palm trees and traps. The system is designed to work in extreme conditions of humidity and lighting, night and day. The system includes a computer vision detector in order to perform automated recordings.

Keywords: Computer Vision, Surveyance

Head Researcher: O. Reinoso

Inter-Univesity Collaboration Projects


Title: AutomatL@bs: remote laboratory network for education in Control Theory

Funded by: Red E-Automatica CICYT

Duration: 2007 - 2009

Description: The AutomatL@bs project is a network of virtual and remote laboratories for teaching and learning of control engineering. It is based on the integration of the hardware/software/human resources provided for the university groups taking part into this project. Shortly, AutomatL@bs provides to students two elements: web-based tools for booking time-slots in order to carry on the practical experiences and a working environment purposefully designed to ease the learning process. However, the network of remote laboratories in control engineering, AutomatL@bs, is not only the sum of its parts but it must be appreciated as a laboratory with a uniform structure regardless where the location of the physical processes is. To work in AutomatL@bs, all that a student needs is a Java-enabled browser and to be registered into the system. So, AutomatL@bs must not be considered just the simple juxtaposition of the different remote laboratories of each university taking part into the project. All the laboratories share a common working scheme and the learning materials have been carefully designed to allow students make the practical experiences in an autonomous way at their own pace. The project is coordinated by Professor Sebastian Dormido Bencomo of the Department of Computer Science and Automatic Control of the Spanish University of Distance Learning (UNED).

Keywords: Remote Laboratories, Control Systems, Education on Automation

Head Researcher: O. Reinoso

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