MRXT: The Multi-Robot eXploration Tool
Multi-Robot autonomous exploration and mapping simulator.
matrix Member List
This is the complete list of members for matrix, including all inherited members.
clear() (defined in matrix)matrix
cols (defined in matrix)matrix [protected]
det() const (defined in matrix)matrix
get(int r, int c) const (defined in matrix)matrix [inline]
getCols() const (defined in matrix)matrix [inline]
getRows() const (defined in matrix)matrix [inline]
identity(int size) (defined in matrix)matrix [static]
inverse() const (defined in matrix)matrix
matrix() (defined in matrix)matrix
matrix(int rows, int cols) (defined in matrix)matrix
matrix(const matrix &) (defined in matrix)matrix
matrix(const pos3d &) (defined in matrix)matrix
matrix(const posCil3d &) (defined in matrix)matrix
operator()(int r, int c) const (defined in matrix)matrix [inline]
operator*(const matrix &) const (defined in matrix)matrix
operator*(const float &) const (defined in matrix)matrix
operator*=(const float &) (defined in matrix)matrix
operator+(const matrix &) const (defined in matrix)matrix
operator+=(const matrix &) (defined in matrix)matrix
operator-(const matrix &) const (defined in matrix)matrix
operator-=(const matrix &) (defined in matrix)matrix
operator=(const matrix &) (defined in matrix)matrix
operator=(const pos3d &) (defined in matrix)matrix
operator=(const posCil3d &) (defined in matrix)matrix
print(const char *str=0) const (defined in matrix)matrix
rows (defined in matrix)matrix [protected]
set(int r, int c, float val) (defined in matrix)matrix [inline]
set(int r, int c, const matrix &mat) (defined in matrix)matrix
toPos3d() const (defined in matrix)matrix
toPose() const (defined in matrix)matrix
transpose() const (defined in matrix)matrix
val (defined in matrix)matrix [protected]
~matrix() (defined in matrix)matrix [virtual]
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