MRXT: The Multi-Robot eXploration Tool
Multi-Robot autonomous exploration and mapping simulator.
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes
matrix Class Reference

Implents a common matrix and operations. More...

#include <matFuns.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 matrix (int rows, int cols)
 matrix (const matrix &)
 matrix (const pos3d &)
 matrix (const posCil3d &)
void clear ()
float det () const
float get (int r, int c) const
int getCols () const
int getRows () const
matrix inverse () const
float operator() (int r, int c) const
matrix operator* (const matrix &) const
matrix operator* (const float &) const
matrixoperator*= (const float &)
matrix operator+ (const matrix &) const
matrixoperator+= (const matrix &)
matrix operator- (const matrix &) const
matrixoperator-= (const matrix &)
matrixoperator= (const matrix &)
matrixoperator= (const pos3d &)
matrixoperator= (const posCil3d &)
void print (const char *str=0) const
void set (int r, int c, float val)
void set (int r, int c, const matrix &mat)
pos3d toPos3d () const
pose toPose () const
matrix transpose () const

Static Public Member Functions

static const matrix identity (int size)

Protected Attributes

unsigned short cols
unsigned short rows
float * val

Detailed Description

Implents a common matrix and operations.

Definition at line 23 of file matFuns.h.

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