MRXT: The Multi-Robot eXploration Tool
Multi-Robot autonomous exploration and mapping simulator.
binMap | Implements a binary gridmap |
cell | Occupation probability of a cell in a grid occupancy map |
ClMutex | Implements a platform independent mutual exclusion mechanism |
ClThread | Implements a platform-independent threaded superclass |
clusterCell | Cluster cell strcuture |
ComThread | Implements communication between threads |
ConfigFile | Config File Reader |
ConfigFile::file_not_found | Config file not found exception |
ConfigFile::key_not_found | Key not found exception |
CoordinatedPlanner | Implements an exploration algorithm that chooses its target cell using a cost-utility model |
costCell | Cost cell struct used for path planning |
costCellH | Cost cell struct used for path planning with heuristics |
costMapSimple | Stores the cost to reach each cell of the map |
EKFilter | Implements a slam algorithm consisting on a extended Kalman filter |
Ematrix | Implents an expansible matrix and its operations |
explorer | Implements the architecture of a mobile robot that explores the environment |
feature | Feature Struct. Contains the position and descriptor of a landmark |
FrontierGreedyPlanner | Implements an exploration algorithm directing the robot to the nearest frontier cell |
FSAPlanner | Implements a Finite State Automata that performs a reactive behaviour based exploration |
gridMapInterface | Interface to grid map algorithm class |
HybridPlanner | Implements a Hybrid Deliberative/Reactive Planner |
HybridPlanner::door | Gateway cell structure for hybrid planner |
InformationGainPlanner | Implements an exploration algorithm that chooses its target cell using a cost-utility model |
IntegratedIGPlanner | Implements an exploration algorithm directing the robot to the most informative path |
landmark | Landmark struct |
landmarksData | Implements an array of landmarks returned by a sensor |
line | Line |
localPotentialField | Local Potential Fields for reactive navigation |
MainWindow | QT main window. Implements the slots for the events |
MarketPlanner | Implements an explorative path planner using a cooperative market model for target selection |
MarketPlanner::auct | Public auction, data contains the target cell and the auction publisher |
MarketPlanner::target | Target struct |
matrix | Implents a common matrix and operations |
occupancyGridMap | This is an abstract class that implements some common parts of the grid mapping algorithms |
OGMReflectProb | Implements an ocupancy grid map using a counting model |
particle | Implements a particle in a rao-blackwellized particle filter for visual slam |
planner | Implements common methods for planning algorithms |
point | Discrete point (pixel) |
pointf | Float point (coordinates) |
pos3d | 3D position |
posCil3d | PosCil3d |
pose | Pose |
pose3d | Pose in 3d |
production | Thread synchronization with a producer/consumer model |
rangeSensorData | Implements the data returned by a range sensor like a laser |
RBPFilter | Implements an slam algorithm consisting on a rao-blackwellized particle filter |
reactive | Reactive behaviours interface and common functions |
reactiveGauss | Reactive behaviours modelled as a sum of gaussians |
robot | Implements the architecture for a mobile robot |
robotBase | This class reference a robotic plattform in the simulator |
RoI | Region of interest |
simulatedModel | This class implements a virtual world for robots where robots can move and observe the environment |
slamInterface | Interface for landmark-based visual SLAM algorithms |
speed | Speed |
stepEventManager | Thread synchronization using a waif for step model |
StringTokenizer | Splits a string in substrings separated by a delimiter |
StringTokenizer::Nodo | String tokenizer node |
team | Implements a team of robots with global SLAM |
treeNode | Nodes that form a tree that partitions the environment for the high level planner in the hybrid arquitecture |
visualMap | Implements a visual landmark 3d map |
vMapArray | Implements a visual landmark 3d map using a simple array of features |
vslamFilter | Implement common attributes and methods for slam algorithms |
waitEnding | Class used to attend the stop button |
waitingThread | Thread synchronization auxiliary class for waiting thread queues |
worldModelInterface | Defines the world model interface |