MRXT: The Multi-Robot eXploration Tool
Multi-Robot autonomous exploration and mapping simulator.
00001 #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
00002 #include <string.h>
00003 #include <iostream>
00004 #include <time.h>
00005 #include <ctime>    // For time()
00006 #include <cstdlib>  // For srand() and rand()
00007 #include "matFuns.h"
00009 pos3d base2global(const pos3d& base, const pose& pos){
00010         float costh = (float)cos(;
00011         float sinth = (float)sin(;
00012         return pos3d(   costh * base.getX() - sinth * base.getY() + pos.x,
00013                                         sinth * base.getX() + costh * base.getY() + pos.y,
00014                                         base.getZ());
00015 }
00017 pos3d global2base(const pos3d& global, const pose& pos){
00018         float auxx = global.getX() - pos.x;
00019         float auxy = global.getY() - pos.y;
00020         float costh = (float)cos(;
00021         float sinth = (float)sin(;
00022         return pos3d(     costh*auxx + sinth*auxy,
00023                                         - sinth*auxx + costh*auxy,
00024                                           global.getZ());
00025 }
00027 posCil3d cart2cil(const pos3d& xyz){
00028         return posCil3d( sqrt(xyz.getX()*xyz.getX()+xyz.getY()*xyz.getY()),
00029                                          atan2(xyz.getY(),xyz.getX()),
00030                                          xyz.getZ());
00031 }
00033 float poly(const double* pol, const double x, int grad){
00034         float y=0;
00035         for(int i = 0; i <= grad; i++)  y += pol[i]*pow(x,grad-i);
00036         return(y);
00037 }
00041 /// this function implements a random number with gaussian probability
00042 /// the genaration uses the box-muller transform using the polar form
00043 ///
00046 double normrnd(double mu, double sigma){
00048         static bool deviateAvailable=false;                  //        flag
00049         static double storedDeviate;                         //        deviate from previous calculation
00050         double polar, rsquared, var1, var2;
00052         static int myrnd=0;
00053         //srand(myrnd);
00054         //srand((unsigned)time(0));
00055         //        If no deviate has been stored, the polar Box-Muller transformation is
00056         //        performed, producing two independent normally-distributed random
00057         //        deviates.  One is stored for the next round, and one is returned.
00059         if (!deviateAvailable) {
00060                 //        choose pairs of uniformly distributed deviates, discarding those
00061                 //        that don't fall within the unit circle
00062                 do {
00063                         myrnd = rand();
00064                         var1=2.0*( double(myrnd)/double(RAND_MAX) ) - 1.0;
00065                         myrnd = rand();
00066                         var2=2.0*( double(myrnd)/double(RAND_MAX) ) - 1.0;
00067                         rsquared=var1*var1+var2*var2;
00068                 } while ( rsquared>=1.0 || rsquared == 0.0);
00070                 //        calculate polar tranformation for each deviate
00071                 polar=sqrt(-2.0*log(rsquared)/rsquared);
00073                 //        store first deviate and set flag
00074                 storedDeviate=var1*polar;
00075                 deviateAvailable=true;
00077                 //        return second deviate
00078                 return var2*polar*sigma + mu;
00079         }
00081         //        If a deviate is available from a previous call to this function, it is
00082         //        returned, and the flag is set to false.
00083         else {
00084                 deviateAvailable=false;
00085                 return storedDeviate*sigma + mu;
00086         }
00087 }
00090 float gauss(int px, int py, float centerx, float centery, float sigma){
00091         float difx = (px-centerx);
00092         float dify = (py-centery);
00093         return (exp(-(difx*difx+dify*dify)/(2.0f*sigma*sigma)));
00094 }
00096 bool intersect(line& line1, line& line2, pointf& result){
00097         //printf("line1 x1: %f, y1: %f, x2: %f, y2: %f\n", line1.x1, line1.y1, line1.x2, line1.y2);
00098         float A1 = line1.y2 - line1.y1;
00099         float B1 = line1.x1 - line1.x2;
00100         float C1 = A1*line1.x1 + B1*line1.y1;
00102         float A2 = line2.y2 - line2.y1;
00103         float B2 = line2.x1 - line2.x2;
00104         float C2 = A2*line2.x1 + B2*line2.y1;
00106         float det = A1*B2 - A2*B1;
00107         if (!det) return false;
00108         else{
00109                 // punto de corte entre las dos rectas
00110                 result.x = (B2*C1 - B1*C2)/det;
00111                 result.y = (A1*C2 - A2*C1)/det;    
00112         }
00114         const float delta = -0.01f; //Ojo! deberia ser 0.0, por errores de redondeo hay que tomar -0.1 como margen
00116         // comprobamos que el punto de corte este definido dentro de los 2 segmentos
00117         return (((line1.x1-result.x)*(result.x-line1.x2)>=delta &&
00118                          (line1.y1-result.y)*(result.y-line1.y2)>=delta &&
00119                          (line2.x1-result.x)*(result.x-line2.x2)>=delta &&
00120                          (line2.y1-result.y)*(result.y-line2.y2)>=delta ) ? true : false ); //no se intersectan
00121 }
00123 matrix::matrix():rows(0),cols(0),val(0){}
00125 matrix::~matrix(){if (val) delete[] val;}
00127 matrix::matrix(int r, int c):    rows(r),cols(c),val(new float[r*c]){clear();}
00129 matrix::matrix(const matrix &m):        rows(m.rows),cols(m.cols),val(new float[m.rows*m.cols]){
00130         memcpy(val, m.val, rows*cols*sizeof(float));
00131 }
00133 matrix::matrix(const pos3d &p): rows(3), cols(1), val(new float[3]){
00134         set(0,0,p.getX());
00135         set(1,0,p.getY());
00136         set(2,0,p.getZ());
00137 }
00140 matrix::matrix(const posCil3d &p):
00141         rows(3),
00142         cols(1),
00143         val(new float[3])
00144 {
00145         set(0,0,p.getR());
00146         set(1,0,p.getAlfa());
00147         set(2,0,p.getZ());
00148 }
00151 void matrix::clear(){
00152         for (int i = 0; i<rows*cols; i++) val[i] = 0.0f;
00153 }
00156 pos3d matrix::toPos3d() const {
00157         if(rows != 3 || cols != 1) { printf("ToPos3D: Need to be a 3x1 matrix \n"); }
00158         assert(rows == 3 && cols == 1);
00159         pos3d p(get(0,0),get(1,0),get(2,0));
00160         return p;
00161 }
00163 pose matrix::toPose() const {
00164         if(rows != 3 || cols != 1) { printf("ToPose: Need to be a 3x1 matrix \n"); }
00165         assert(rows == 3 && cols == 1);
00166         return pose(get(0,0),get(1,0),get(2,0));
00167 }
00169 matrix& matrix::operator=(const matrix& m){
00170         if(m.rows != rows || m.cols != cols){
00171                 if (val) delete[] val;
00172                 rows = m.rows;
00173                 cols = m.cols;
00174                 val = new float[rows*cols];
00175         }
00176         memcpy(val, m.val, rows*cols*sizeof(float));
00177         return *this;
00178 }
00180 matrix& matrix::operator=(const pos3d& p){
00181         if(rows != 3 || cols != 1){
00182                 if (val) delete[] val;
00183                 rows = 3;
00184                 cols = 1;
00185                 val = new float[rows*cols];
00186         }
00187         set(0,0,p.getX());
00188         set(1,0,p.getY());
00189         set(2,0,p.getZ());
00190         return *this;
00191 }
00193 matrix& matrix::operator=(const posCil3d& p){
00194         if(rows != 3 || cols != 1){
00195                 if (val) delete[] val;
00196                 rows = 3;
00197                 cols = 1;
00198                 val = new float[rows*cols];
00199         }
00200         set(0,0,p.getR());
00201         set(1,0,p.getAlfa());
00202         set(2,0,p.getZ());
00204         return *this;
00205 }
00207 matrix& matrix::operator+= (const matrix& m){
00208         if(m.rows != rows || m.cols != cols)
00209                 printf("SUM: Matrix dimensions don't agree\n");
00210         else
00211                 for (int i = 0; i<rows*cols; i++) val[i]+=m.val[i];
00212         return *this;
00213 }
00215 matrix matrix::operator+(const matrix& m) const{
00216         matrix mat(*this);
00217         mat += m;
00218         return mat;
00219 }
00221 matrix& matrix::operator-= (const matrix& m){
00222         if(m.rows != rows || m.cols != cols)
00223                 printf("SUM: Matrix dimensions don't agree\n");
00224         else
00225                 for (int i = 0; i<rows*cols; i++) val[i]-=m.val[i];
00226         return *this;
00227 }
00229 matrix matrix::operator-(const matrix& m) const {
00230         matrix mat(*this);
00231         mat -= m;
00232         return mat;
00233 }
00235 matrix& matrix::operator*= (const float& f) {
00236         for (int i = 0; i<rows*cols; i++) val[i]*=f;
00237         return *this;
00238 }
00240 matrix matrix::operator*(const float& f) const {
00241         matrix mat(*this);
00242         mat *= f;
00243         return mat;
00244 }
00246 matrix matrix::operator*(const matrix& m) const{
00247         matrix mat(rows, m.cols);
00248         if (this->cols != m.rows) printf("MUL: Matrix dimensions don't agree\n"); 
00249         else{
00250                 int id1,id2,id3=0,id4;
00251                 for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++){
00252                         id1 = 0;
00253                         id2 = 0;
00254                         for (int r = 0; r<rows; r++){
00255                                 id4 = id2+i;
00256                                 if (val[id4]!=0){
00257                                         for (int c = 0; c<m.cols; c++){
00258                                                 mat.val[id1+c] += val[id4] * m.val[id3+c];
00259                                         }
00260                                 }
00261                                 id1 += mat.cols;
00262                                 id2 += cols;
00263                         }
00264                         id3 += m.cols;
00265                 }
00266         }
00267         return mat;
00268 }
00270 matrix matrix::transpose () const {
00271         matrix mat(cols,rows);
00272         for (int r = 0; r<rows; r++)
00273                 for (int c = 0; c<cols; c++)
00274                         mat.set(c,r, val[r*cols+c]);
00275         return mat;
00276 }
00278 matrix matrix::inverse() const{
00279         int r;
00280         if (rows != cols) { printf("INV: Matrix must be square\n");}
00281         assert(rows == cols);
00282         matrix mat(rows,cols);
00283         CvMat* ocvMat = cvCreateMat(rows,cols,CV_32FC1);
00284         for (r = 0; r<rows; r++)
00285                 for (int c = 0; c<cols; c++)
00286                         cvmSet(ocvMat,r,c,get(r,c));    
00288         CvMat* ocvMatInv = cvCreateMat(rows,cols,CV_32FC1);
00289         cvInvert(ocvMat, ocvMatInv, CV_LU );
00290         for (r = 0; r<rows; r++)
00291                 for (int c = 0; c<cols; c++)
00292                         mat.set(r,c, (float)cvmGet(ocvMatInv,r,c));
00293         cvReleaseMat(&ocvMat);
00294         cvReleaseMat(&ocvMatInv);
00295         return mat;
00296 }
00298 float matrix::det() const {
00299         if(rows != 3 || cols !=3){printf("DET: Only 3x3 determinants");}
00300         assert(rows == 3 && cols ==3);
00301         return(get(0,0)*get(1,1)*get(2,2)+get(0,1)*get(1,2)*get(2,0)+get(0,2)*get(1,0)*get(2,1)
00302                   -get(0,0)*get(1,2)*get(2,1)-get(0,2)*get(1,1)*get(2,0)-get(0,1)*get(1,0)*get(2,2));
00303 }
00305 void matrix::print(const char* str) const {
00306         printf("%s\t",str);
00307         for (int r = 0; r<rows; r++){
00308                 for (int c = 0; c<cols; c++)
00309                         printf("%e \t", get(r,c));
00310                         //printf("%10.7f \t", get(r,c));
00311                 printf("\n\t");
00312         }
00313         printf("\n");
00314 }
00316 const matrix matrix::identity(int r){
00317         matrix mat(r,r);
00318         for (int i=0; i< r; i++) mat.set(i,i,1);
00319         return mat;
00320 }
00322 void matrix::set(int r, int c, const matrix& mat){
00323         int x,y;
00324         x = r;
00325         for (int i = 0; i < mat.getRows() ; i++){
00326                 y=c;
00327                 for (int j = 0; j < mat.getCols() ; j++){
00328                         set(x,y,mat(i,j));
00329                         y++;
00330                 }
00331                 x++;
00332         }
00333 }
00334 ////////////////////////////////////////////   Ematrix   ///////////////////////////////////////////////
00336 Ematrix::Ematrix(): reservedRows(0),reservedCols(0),val(0){}
00338 Ematrix::~Ematrix(){if (val) delete[] val;}
00340 Ematrix::Ematrix(int r, int c, int resr, int resc):
00341         reservedRows(resr),
00342         reservedCols(resc),
00343         rows(r),
00344         cols(c),
00345         val(new float[reservedRows*reservedCols])
00346 {
00347         clear();
00348 }
00350 Ematrix::Ematrix(int r, int c):
00351         reservedRows(r),
00352         reservedCols(c),
00353         rows(r),
00354         cols(c),
00355         val(new float[reservedRows*reservedCols])
00356 {
00357         clear();
00358 }
00360 void Ematrix::initialize(int r, int c, int resr, int resc){
00361         reservedRows=resr;
00362         reservedCols=resc;
00363         rows=r;
00364         cols=c;
00365         if (val) delete[] val;
00366         val = new float[reservedRows*reservedCols];
00367         clear();
00368 }
00370 Ematrix::Ematrix(const Ematrix &m):     
00371         reservedRows(m.reservedRows),
00372         reservedCols(m.reservedCols),
00373         rows(m.rows),
00374         cols(m.cols),
00375         val(new float[reservedRows*reservedCols])
00376 {
00377         for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
00378                 int idx = i*reservedCols;
00379                 for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++){
00380                         int idx2 = idx+j;
00381                         val[idx2] = m.val[idx2];
00382                 }
00383         }
00384 }
00386 Ematrix::Ematrix(const matrix &m):      
00387         reservedRows(m.getRows()),
00388         reservedCols(m.getCols()),
00389         rows(reservedRows),
00390         cols(reservedCols),
00391         val(new float[reservedRows*reservedCols])
00392 {
00393         for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
00394                 int idx = i*reservedCols;
00395                 for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++){
00396                         val[idx+j] = m.get(i,j);
00397                 }
00398         }
00399 }
00402 Ematrix::Ematrix(const pos3d &p):
00403         reservedRows(3),
00404         reservedCols(1),
00405         rows(3),
00406         cols(1),
00407         val(new float[3])
00408 {
00409         set(0,0,p.getX());
00410         set(1,0,p.getY());
00411         set(2,0,p.getZ());
00412 }
00414 Ematrix::Ematrix(const posCil3d &p):
00415         reservedRows(3),
00416         reservedCols(1),
00417         rows(3),
00418         cols(1),
00419         val(new float[3])
00420 {
00421         set(0,0,p.getR());
00422         set(1,0,p.getAlfa());
00423         set(2,0,p.getZ());
00424 }
00426 void Ematrix::clear(){
00427         int id;
00428         for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
00429                 id = i*reservedCols;
00430                 for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
00431                         val[id+j]= 0.0f;
00432         }
00433 }
00435 Ematrix& Ematrix::operator=(const Ematrix& m){
00436         if(m.rows > reservedRows || m.cols > reservedCols){
00437                 reservedRows = m.rows;
00438                 reservedCols = m.cols;
00439                 if (val) delete [] val;
00440                 val = new float[reservedRows*reservedCols];
00441         }
00442         rows = m.rows;
00443         cols = m.cols;
00444         for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
00445                 for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
00446                         set(i,j, m.get(i,j));
00447         return *this;
00448 }
00450 Ematrix& Ematrix::operator=(const pos3d& p){
00451         if(reservedRows < 3 || reservedCols < 1){
00452                 if (val) delete[] val;
00453                 rows = 3;
00454                 cols = 1;
00455                 reservedRows = 3;
00456                 reservedCols = 1;
00457                 val = new float[reservedRows*reservedCols];
00458         }
00459         set(0,0,p.getX());
00460         set(1,0,p.getY());
00461         set(2,0,p.getZ());
00463         return *this;
00464 }
00466 Ematrix& Ematrix::operator=(const posCil3d& p){
00467         if(reservedRows < 3 || reservedCols < 1){
00468                 if (val) delete[] val;
00469                 rows = 3;
00470                 cols = 1;
00471                 reservedRows = 3;
00472                 reservedCols = 1;
00473                 val = new float[reservedRows*reservedCols];
00474         }
00475         set(0,0,p.getR());
00476         set(1,0,p.getAlfa());
00477         set(2,0,p.getZ());
00478         return *this;
00479 }
00481 Ematrix Ematrix::operator+(const Ematrix& m) const{
00482         Ematrix mat(*this);
00483         mat += m;
00484         return mat;
00485 }
00487 Ematrix Ematrix::operator-(const Ematrix& m) const{
00488         Ematrix mat(*this);
00489         mat -= m;
00490         return mat;
00491 }
00493 Ematrix& Ematrix::operator+= (const Ematrix& m){
00494         if(m.rows != rows || m.cols != cols)
00495                 printf("SUM: Matrix dimensions don't agree\n");
00496         else{
00497                 int id=0,id2=0;
00498                 for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
00499                         for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
00500                                 val[id+j] += m.val[id2+j];
00501                         id += reservedCols;
00502                         id2 += m.reservedCols;
00503                 }
00504         }
00505         return *this;
00506 }
00508 Ematrix& Ematrix::operator-= (const Ematrix& m){
00509         if(m.rows != rows || m.cols != cols)
00510                 printf("SUM: Matrix dimensions don't agree\n");
00511         else{
00512                 int id=0,id2=0;
00513                 for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
00514                         for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
00515                                 val[id+j] -= m.val[id2+j];
00516                         id += reservedCols;
00517                         id2 += m.reservedCols;
00518                 }
00519         }
00520         return *this;
00521 }
00523 Ematrix& Ematrix::operator*= (const float& f) {
00524         int id=0;
00525         for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
00526                 for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++) 
00527                         val[id+j] *= f;
00528                 id += reservedCols;
00529         }
00530         return *this;
00531 }
00533 Ematrix Ematrix::operator*(const float& f) const {
00534         Ematrix mat(*this);
00535         mat *= f;
00536         return mat;
00537 }
00539 Ematrix Ematrix::operator*(const Ematrix& m) const{
00540         Ematrix mat(rows, m.cols, reservedRows, m.reservedCols);
00541         if (this->cols != m.rows) printf("MUL: Matrix dimensions don't agree\n"); 
00542         else{
00543                 int id, id1, id2=0, id3;
00544                 for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++){
00545                         id = 0;
00546                         id3 = 0;
00547                         for (int r = 0; r<rows; r++){
00548                                 id1 = id3+i;
00549                                 if (val[id1]!=0){
00550                                         for (int c = 0; c<m.cols; c++){
00551                                                 mat.val[id+c] += val[id1] * m.val[id2+c];
00552                                         }
00553                                 }
00554                                 id3 +=reservedCols;
00555                                 id += mat.reservedCols;
00556                         }
00557                         id2 += m.reservedCols;
00558                 }
00559         }
00560         return mat;
00561 }
00563 Ematrix Ematrix::mul2(const Ematrix& m) const{
00564         Ematrix mat(rows, m.cols, reservedRows, m.reservedCols);
00565         if (this->cols != m.rows) printf("MUL: Matrix dimensions don't agree\n"); 
00566         else{
00567                 int id=0, id1, id2, id3;
00568                 for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++){
00569                         for (int c = 0; c<m.cols; c++){
00570                                 id1 = id+c;
00571                                 if (m.val[id1]!=0){
00572                                         id2 = 0; id3 = 0;
00573                                         for (int r = 0; r<rows; r++){
00574                                                 mat.val[id3+c] += val[id2+i] * m.val[id1];
00575                                                 id2+=reservedCols;
00576                                                 id3+=mat.reservedCols;
00577                                         }
00578                                 }
00579                         }
00580                         id +=m.reservedCols;                            
00581                 }
00582         }
00583         return mat;
00584 }
00586 Ematrix Ematrix::transpose () const {
00587         Ematrix mat(cols,rows,reservedCols,reservedRows);
00588         int id=0;
00589         for (int r = 0; r<rows; r++){
00590                 for (int c = 0; c<cols; c++)
00591                         mat.set(c,r, val[id+c]);
00592                 id += reservedCols;             
00593         }
00594         return mat;
00595 }
00597 Ematrix Ematrix::inverse() const{
00598         int r,c;
00599         if (rows != cols) { printf("INV: Matrix must be square\n");}
00600         assert(rows == cols);
00601         Ematrix mat(rows,cols,reservedRows,reservedCols);
00602         CvMat* ocvMat = cvCreateMat(rows,cols,CV_32FC1);
00603         int id=0;
00604         for (r = 0; r<rows; r++){
00605                 for ( c = 0; c<cols; c++)
00606                         cvmSet(ocvMat,r,c, val[id+c]);  
00607                 id += reservedCols;
00608         }
00610         CvMat* ocvMatInv = cvCreateMat(rows,cols,CV_32FC1);
00611         cvInvert(ocvMat, ocvMatInv, CV_LU );
00612         id = 0;
00613         for (r = 0; r<rows; r++){
00614                 for (c = 0; c<cols; c++)
00615                         mat.val[id+c] = (float)cvmGet(ocvMatInv,r,c);
00616                 id += reservedCols;
00617         }
00618         cvReleaseMat(&ocvMat);
00619         cvReleaseMat(&ocvMatInv);
00620         return mat;
00621 }
00623 float Ematrix::det() const {
00624         if(rows != 3 || cols !=3){printf("DET: Only 3x3 determinants");}
00625         assert(rows == 3 && cols ==3);
00626         return(get(0,0)*get(1,1)*get(2,2)+get(0,1)*get(1,2)*get(2,0)+get(0,2)*get(1,0)*get(2,1)
00627                   -get(0,0)*get(1,2)*get(2,1)-get(0,2)*get(1,1)*get(2,0)-get(0,1)*get(1,0)*get(2,2));
00628 }
00630 void Ematrix::print(const char* str) const {
00631         printf("%s\t",str);
00632         for (int r = 0; r<rows; r++){
00633                 for (int c = 0; c<cols; c++)
00634                         printf("%10.7f \t", get(r,c));
00635                         //printf("%e \t", get(r,c));
00636                 printf("\n\t");
00637         }
00638         printf("\n");
00639 }
00641 const Ematrix Ematrix::identity(int r){
00642         Ematrix mat(r,r,r,r);
00643         for (int i=0; i< r; i++) mat.set(i,i,1);
00644         return mat;
00645 }
00647 pos3d Ematrix::toPos3d() const {
00648         if(rows != 3 || cols != 1) { printf("ToPos3D: Need to be a 3x1 matrix \n"); }
00649         assert(rows == 3 && cols == 1);
00650         return pos3d(get(0,0),get(1,0),get(2,0));
00651 }
00653 pose Ematrix::toPose() const {
00654         if(rows != 3 || cols != 1) { printf("ToPose: Need to be a 3x1 matrix \n"); }
00655         assert(rows == 3 && cols == 1);
00656         return pose(get(0,0),get(1,0),get(2,0));
00657 }
00659 matrix Ematrix::subMat(int rini, int rend, int cini, int cend) const{
00660         int sizex = rend-rini+1;
00661         int sizey = cend-cini+1;
00662         matrix mat (sizex, sizey);
00663         int i,j;
00664         i=0;
00665 //      printf("Submat [%d:%d, %d:%d]\n",rini,rend,cini,cend);
00666 //      printf("(%d,%d) res (%d,%d)",rows,cols,reservedRows,reservedCols);
00667         for (int r = rini; r<= rend; r++){
00668                 j=0;
00669                 for (int c = cini; c<=cend; c++){
00670                         mat.set(i,j,get(r,c));
00671 //                      printf("[%d,%d] %f ",r,c,get(r,c));
00672                         j++;
00673                 }
00674                 i++;
00675 //              printf("\n");
00676         }
00677 //      printf("\n");
00678         return mat;
00679 }
00681 void Ematrix::extend(int rinc, int cinc){
00682         //printf("reserved: %d x %d\n",reservedRows,reservedCols);
00683         //printf("size: %d x %d\n",rows, cols);
00684         if(reservedRows < rows+rinc || reservedCols < cols+cinc){
00685                 int newreservedRows = rows+rinc;
00686                 int newreservedCols = cols+cinc;
00687                 float* newval = new float[newreservedRows*newreservedCols];
00689                 for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
00690                         for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
00691                                 newval[i*newreservedCols+j] = val[i*reservedCols+j];
00693                 delete [] val;
00694                 val = newval;
00695                 reservedRows = newreservedRows;
00696                 reservedCols = newreservedCols;
00697         }
00698         int oldcols = cols;
00699         int oldrows = rows;
00700         cols+=cinc;
00701         rows+=rinc;
00702         for (int r = oldrows; r< rows; r++)
00703                 for (int c = 0; c< oldcols; c++)        
00704                         set(r,c,0.0f);
00706         for (int r = 0; r< rows; r++)
00707                 for (int c = oldcols; c<cols; c++)
00708                         set(r,c,0.0f);
00709 }
00711 void Ematrix::set(int r, int c, const matrix& mat){
00712         int x,y;
00713         x=r;
00714         for (int i = 0; i < mat.getRows() ; i++){
00715                 y=c;
00716                 for (int j = 0; j < mat.getCols() ; j++){
00717                         set(x,y,mat(i,j));
00718                         y++;
00719                 }
00720                 x++;
00721         }
00722 }
00724 void Ematrix::set(int r, int c, const Ematrix& mat){
00725         int x,y;
00726         x=r;
00727         for     (int i = 0; i < mat.rows ; i++){
00728                 y=c;
00729                 for (int j = 0; j < mat.cols ; j++){
00730                         set(x,y,mat(i,j));
00731                         y++;
00732                 }
00733                 x++;
00734         }
00735 }
00737 void Ematrix::addSubMat(int r, int c, const matrix& mat){
00738         int x,y;
00739         x=r;
00740         for (int i = 0; i < mat.getRows() ; i++){
00741                 y=c;
00742                 for (int j = 0; j < mat.getCols() ; j++){
00743                         set(x,y,get(x,y)+mat(i,j));
00744                         y++;
00745                 }
00746                 x++;
00747         }
00748 }
00751 float Ematrix::totalsum() const{
00752         float res = 0.0f;
00753         for (int i = 0; i < rows ; i++){
00754                 for (int j = 0; j < cols ; j++){
00755                         res += fabs(get(i,j));
00756                 }
00757         }
00758         return res;
00759 }
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