Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory (ARVC)
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Arturo Gil Aparicio

Arturo Gil

Associate Professor and Researcher

Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision Lab.

Miguel Hernández University


Miguel Hernández University
Systems Engineering and Automation Department
INNOVA Building
Avda. Universidad s/n
03202 - Elche (Alicante) SPAIN

Tel:  +34 96 665 8620



My research topics are Mobile Robotics and Computer Vision. Currently, I am working on SLAM techniques using visual landmarks in unmodified environments. In addition, I am currently researching in multi-robot SLAM using visual information. Recently,  I finished my PhD entitled: "Cooperative construction of visual maps by means of a robot team" (sorry, in Spanish). Most of the results can be found in the publications Section.


Former positions:

Courses and talks:

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