Antonio Santo López
Antonio Santo López
Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision Lab.
Miguel Hernández University
Miguel Hernández University Systems Engineering and Automation Department INNOVA Building Avda. Universidad s/n 03202 - Elche (Alicante) SPAIN
Tel: +34 96 522 2435
(5 Papers)
(PREPRINT) MinkUNeXt: Point Cloud-based Large-scale Place Recognition using 3D Sparse Convolutions
J.J. Cabrera, A. Santo, A. Gil, C. Viegas and L. Payá (2024)
Ed. PREPRINT [DOI] [GitHub] [ArXiv] [Abstract]
(PREPRINT) TE-NeXt: A LiDAR-Based 3D Sparse Convolutional Network for Traversability Estimation
A. Santo, J. J. Cabrera, D. Valiente, C. Viegas, A. Gil arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.01395 (2024)
[DOI] [GitHub] [YouTube] [ArXiv] [BIBTEX] [Abstract]
Detection of UAVs on a collision course using optical flow
J.J. Cabrera, A. Gil, L. Payá, A. Santo, O. Reinoso, D. Rodríguez RobCE 2024: 2024 4th International Conference on Robotics and Control Engineering (Edinburgh United Kingdom June 27 - 29, 2024) - pp. 138–144
Ed. Association for Computing Machinery ISBN:9798400716782 [DOI] [YouTube] [BIBTEX]
Estimación de zonas transitables en nubes de puntos 3D con redes convolucionales dispersas
A. Santo, A. Gil, D. Valiente, M. Ballesta, O. Reinoso XLIV Jornadas de Automática (Zaragoza, 6-8 Septiembre, 2023) - pp. 732-737
Ed. CEA ISBN:978-84-9749-860-9 [DOI] [Document]
Computing the Traversability of the Environment by Means of Sparse
Convolutional 3D Neural Networks
Antonio Santo, Arturo Gil, David Valiente, Mónica Ballesta, Adrián Peidró Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (Roma, 13-15 de noviembre de 2023) - Vol. 1, pags. 383-393
Ed. Scitepress ISBN:978-989-758-670-5 ISSN:2184-2809 [DOI] [Abstract]