MRXT: The Multi-Robot eXploration Tool
Multi-Robot autonomous exploration and mapping simulator.
00002 #include "MarketPlanner.h"
00003 #include "gridMapInterface.h"
00004 #include <fstream>
00005 #include <math.h>
00006 #include <stdio.h>
00007 #include <list>
00008 #include <vector>
00009 #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
00010 #include "StringTokenizer.h"
00012 // Para registrar la clase en la factoria
00013 namespace planners{
00014         planner* CreateMarketPlanner(const ConfigFile& conf){
00015                 return new MarketPlanner(conf);
00016         };
00017         const int MARKETPLANNER = 5 ;
00018         const bool registered = plannerFactory::Instance().Register(MARKETPLANNER, plannerCreator(CreateMarketPlanner));
00019 }
00021 using namespace std;
00023 // Constructor
00024 MarketPlanner::MarketPlanner(const ConfigFile& config):
00025         planner(),
00026         endPlanner(true),
00027         replanning_period(<float>("REPLANNING_PERIOD")),
00028         inflate_obstacles(<int>("INFLATE_OBSTACLES")),
00029         utility_radius(<float>("UTILITY_RADIUS")),
00030         utility_weight(<float>("UTILITY_WEIGHT")),
00031         cost_weight(<float>("COST_WEIGHT"))
00032 {}
00034 // Destructor
00035 MarketPlanner::~MarketPlanner(){stop();}
00037 // thread Setup
00038 int MarketPlanner::setup(){
00040 //      printf("arranco planificador\n");
00041         completedPath = true;
00042         prio = 50;
00043         return 0;
00044 }
00046 // thread on stop
00047 void MarketPlanner::onStop(){
00048         if (!endPlanner){
00049                 endPlanner = true;
00050                 closing.lock();
00051                 closing.unlock();
00052         }
00053         printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] Stopped\n", rbase->getNumber());
00054 }
00056 // thread main execution
00057 void MarketPlanner::execute(){
00058         printf("[MARKETPLANNER] \t\t\t\t\t MARKETPLANNER (%d) running\n", rbase->getNumber());
00059         closing.lock();
00060         endPlanner = false;
00061         point goal;     
00062         int nextStep=number;
00064         FILE* plannerlog=0;
00065         if (logstr){
00066                 char myfilestr[100];
00067                 sprintf(myfilestr,"%splanR%d.log",logstr,number);       
00068                 plannerlog = fopen(myfilestr,"w");
00069         }
00071 //      char mywindowstr[250];
00072 //      if (showPlanner && rbase->getNumber()==0){
00073 //              sprintf(mywindowstr,"plan%d.jpg",number);
00074 //              cvNamedWindow(mywindowstr,0);
00075 //      }
00077         list<target>::iterator targetListIter;
00078         list<target>::reverse_iterator targetListIterRev;
00080         bool endExploration = false;
00081         int nextPlanning=0;
00082         while(!endPlanner && !endExploration){
00084                 //printID("MARKET BASED PLANNER");
00085                 //Sleep(50);
00087                 // esperamos a SLAM
00088                 nextStep=mySlam->getStep()+1;
00089 //              printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] waiting for step %d\n", number, nextStep);
00090                 mySlam->waitForStep(nextStep);
00092                 if (nextStep > 20000) endExploration = true;
00094                 // tomamos los datos
00095                 gridMapInterface* omap          = mySlam->getOMap();
00096                 binMap* ppmap                   = mySlam->getPreMap();
00097                 //int numrobots                 = mySlam->getNumRobots();
00098                 point poscell                   = mySlam->getCell(number);
00099                 pose robotpos                   = mySlam->getPos(number);
00101                 // celda del robot con orientacion
00102 //              ocell ori;
00103 //              ori.x = poscell.x;
00104 //              ori.y = poscell.y;
00105 //              float ang =;
00106 //     = int(floor(ang/(PI/4)+0.5));
00107 //              if ( > 7) -=8;
00108 //              if ( < 0) +=8;
00110                 //IplImage* im = (showPlanner && rbase->getNumber()==0)? omap->getMapAsImage():0;
00112                 list<auct> auctionList;
00113                 list<auct>::iterator aucListIt;
00114                 bool newTargets = false;
00116                 //******************************************************************************************** >>>>> leer mensajes
00117                 string msg;
00118                 int msglen;
00119                 char sms[100];          
00121                 bool listEmptied = false;
00123                 auctionList.clear();                    
00124                 while((msglen=getMessage(msg))){
00125 //                      printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] --> RECV %s",number,&msg[0]);
00126                         StringTokenizer st(&msg[0]);
00127                         string messagetype(st.nextToken());
00128                         int robotid = atoi(st.nextToken());
00129                         if (messagetype == "AUCTION"){                                                                          // -------->>> NEW AUCTION
00130                                 // Procesar mensaje
00131                                 auct aucdest;
00132                                 aucdest.cell.x  = atoi(st.nextToken());
00133                                 aucdest.cell.y  = atoi(st.nextToken());
00134                                 aucdest.auctioner = robotid;
00136                                 auctionList.push_back(aucdest);                                                                 // >>> add to the auction list
00137                                 //printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] AUCTION LIST SIZE = %d\n",number,auctionList.size());
00138                                 newTargets = true;
00139                         }
00140                         else if (messagetype == "BID"){                                                                         // -------->>> BID RECEIVED
00141                                 // Procesar mensaje
00142                                 point aucdest;
00143                                 aucdest.x  = atoi(st.nextToken());
00144                                 aucdest.y  = atoi(st.nextToken());
00145                                 float aucprofit = atof(st.nextToken());
00147                                 // mirar si es mejor que las anteriores
00148                                 for (targetListIter = targetList.begin(); targetListIter!= targetList.end(); targetListIter++){
00149                                         if (targetListIter->cell.x == aucdest.x && 
00150                                                 targetListIter->cell.y == aucdest.y && 
00151                                                 targetListIter->bestOfferProfit < aucprofit)
00152                                         {
00153                                                 targetListIter->bestOfferID = robotid;
00154                                                 targetListIter->bestOfferProfit = aucprofit;                                            // >>> Check if is better
00155                                         }
00156                                 }
00157                         }
00158                         else if (messagetype == "WINNER"){                                                                      // -------->>> AUCTION WON
00159                                 // Procesar mensaje
00160                                 target t;
00161                                 int winner = atoi(st.nextToken());
00162                                 t.cell.x  = atoi(st.nextToken());
00163                                 t.cell.y  = atoi(st.nextToken());
00164                                 t.profit = atof(st.nextToken());
00165                                 t.auctionEnds = 0;
00167                                 if (winner == getDir()){ // ganador, añadir target a la lista si no estaba
00168                                         bool found = false;
00169                                         for (targetListIter = targetList.begin(); targetListIter!= targetList.end(); targetListIter++){ // si se a reasignado a otro lo borramos de la lista
00170                                                 if (targetListIter->cell.x == t.cell.x && targetListIter->cell.y == t.cell.y){
00171                                                         found = true;
00172                                                         break;
00173                                                 }
00174                                         }
00175                                         if (!found){
00176                                                 targetList.push_back(t);                                                                                // >>> add to target list
00177                                                 newTargets=true;
00178                                         }
00179                                 }
00180                                 else{
00181                                         if (targetList.size()){                                 
00182                                                 for (targetListIter = targetList.begin(); targetListIter!= targetList.end(); targetListIter++){ // si se a reasignado a otro lo borramos de la lista
00183                                                         if (targetListIter->cell.x == t.cell.x && targetListIter->cell.y == t.cell.y){
00184                                                                 targetListIter = targetList.erase(targetListIter); 
00185                                                                 targetListIter--;
00186                                                         }
00187                                                 }
00188                                                 if (targetList.size() ==0) listEmptied = true;                  
00189                                         }
00190                                 }
00191                         }       
00192                         else if (messagetype == "END"){                                                                         // -------->>> EXPLORATION FINISHED
00193                                 endExploration = true;          
00194                                 completedPath = true;
00195                         }
00196                 }
00198                 // **************************************************************************************************    si el tiempo del auction expira...
00199                                                                                                                                 // >>> Enviamos ganador
00200                 if (targetList.size()){         
00201                         for (targetListIter = targetList.begin(); targetListIter!= targetList.end(); ){
00202                                 bool erased = false;
00203                                 if (targetListIter->auctionEnds==1){ // si hay mejores ofertas enviar WINNER
00204 //                                      printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] Auction cerrada\n",number);
00206                                         if (targetListIter->bestOfferID != getDir()){
00207                                                 sprintf(sms,"WINNER %d %d %d %d %f\n", getDir(), targetListIter->bestOfferID, targetListIter->cell.x, targetListIter->cell.y, targetListIter->bestOfferProfit); 
00208 //                                              printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] --> SEND TO --> [robotID %d] %s",number,-1,&sms[0]);
00209                                                 sendMessage(string(sms),-1);
00210                                                 // borrar de la lista
00211                                                 targetListIter = targetList.erase(targetListIter);
00212                                                 erased = true;
00213                                         }
00214                                 }
00215                                 if (!erased && targetListIter->auctionEnds>0) targetListIter->auctionEnds--;
00216                                 if (!erased) ++targetListIter;
00217                         }
00218                         if (targetList.size() ==0) listEmptied = true;
00219                 }
00220                 // ************************************************************************************************************     si hemos llegado al ultimo destino planificamos
00222                 if(completedPath || newTargets){  
00223                 //if(completedPath == true  || newTargets || nextStep == nextPlanning){ /// OJO CON ESTO!!!
00224                         nextPlanning = nextStep + (int)floor(replanning_period/mySlam->getSampleTime()+0.5);
00226 //                      printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PLANNING >>>>\n",number);
00228                         ///////////////////////////////////// REUNIMOS OBJETIVOS Y CALCULAMOS COSTES ////////////////////////////////////
00230                         binMap objectives(omap->getWidth(),omap->getHeight(),omap->getResolution(),omap->getXOrigin(),omap->getYOrigin()); // mapa de objetivos
00232                         // cuando hemos completado un destino buscamos más fronteras para añadir
00233                         vector<clusterCell> clusterList;
00234                         vector<clusterCell>::iterator clusterListIt;
00236                         if (targetList.size()==0 || completedPath){
00237                                 int nfront = omap->frontiers(objectives); // mapa de fronteras
00238                                 objectives.cluster(clusterList,2*inflate_obstacles);
00239                                 objectives.set(clusterList);                                                                            // fronteras en cluster a objectives list
00240 //                              printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] Frontiers = %d\n",number,clusterList.size());
00241                         }
00243                         // los targets de la lista son objetivos tambien al replanificar
00244                         for (targetListIter = targetList.begin(); targetListIter!= targetList.end(); targetListIter++){
00245                                 objectives.set(targetListIter->cell.x,targetListIter->cell.y,true);                                     // añadimos los targets actuales a objectives list
00246                         }
00248                         // las auctions recibidas tambien son objetivos que hay que analizar
00249                         for (aucListIt = auctionList.begin(); aucListIt!= auctionList.end(); aucListIt++){
00250                                 objectives.set(aucListIt->cell.x,aucListIt->cell.y,true);                                                               // añadimos los auctions a objectives list
00251                         }
00253                         // Evaluamos el mapa de costes
00254                         std::vector<point> targets;
00255                         vector<point>::iterator targetIter;
00256                         costMapSimple* cm = createCostMap(poscell,objectives,*omap,targets,inflate_obstacles);                                          // crear el costmap costmap
00257 //                      printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] Numero de objetivos distintos: %d\n", number, (int)targets.size());
00259                         ///////////////////////////////////// EVALUAMOS EL BENEFICIO //////////////////////////////////////////
00261                         std::list<target> reachableList;
00262                         std::list<target>::iterator reachableListIt;
00264                         // evaluamos el beneficio de cada target
00265                         point dest = poscell;
00266                         int util_cells = ((int)floor(utility_radius/omap->getResolution()+0.5));
00267                         float maxutility =  util_cells*util_cells*PI;                   
00268                         float maxcost = (float) cm->getMaxCost();
00269                         for (targetIter = targets.begin(); targetIter!= targets.end(); targetIter++){
00270                                 if (targetIter->x != poscell.x && targetIter->y != poscell.y){
00271                                         binMap esz;
00272                                         omap->esz(targetIter->x,targetIter->y,esz,0,util_cells);
00274                                         target t;
00275                                         t.utility = utility_weight*utility(*omap,esz)/maxutility;
00276                                         t.cost = cost_weight*cm->getCost(targetIter->x,targetIter->y)/maxcost;
00277                                         if (t.cost > 0.0f)
00278                                                 t.profit = t.utility - t.cost;
00279                                         else
00280                                                 t.profit = -1;
00281                                         //t.profit = 1 - t.cost;
00282                                         t.cell = *targetIter;
00283                                         reachableList.push_back(t);                                                                     // add evaluated objectives to valid target list
00284                                 }
00285                         }
00287 //                      printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] Targets validos distintos: %d\n",number, (int)reachableList.size());
00288 //                      printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] Targets en auction list: %d\n",number, (int)auctionList.size());
00289 //                      printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] Targets en target list: %d\n",number, (int)targetList.size());
00290 //                      printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] Targets en new frontier cluster list: %d\n",number, (int)clusterList.size());
00291 //                      
00292                         if (targetList.size()){                 
00293                                 for (targetListIter = targetList.begin(); targetListIter!= targetList.end(); targetListIter++){                         // borramos los no alcanzables
00294                                         bool found = false;
00295                                         for (reachableListIt = reachableList.begin(); reachableListIt!= reachableList.end(); reachableListIt++)
00296                                                 if (targetListIter->cell.x == reachableListIt->cell.x && targetListIter->cell.y == reachableListIt->cell.y) found = true;
00297                                         if (!found){
00298                                                 targetList.erase(targetListIter);
00299                                                 targetListIter--;
00300                                         }
00301                                 }
00302                                 if (targetList.size() ==0) listEmptied = true;
00303                         }
00304                         ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00305                         //reachableList.sort();                                                                                         // sort by profit
00306                         bool listwasempty = (targetList.size()==0);
00307                         for (reachableListIt = reachableList.begin(); reachableListIt!= reachableList.end(); reachableListIt++){        // For each target
00308                                 // pujamos por cada target de la lista de subastas
00309                                 for (aucListIt = auctionList.begin(); aucListIt!= auctionList.end(); aucListIt++){                              // >> if it comes from the auction list
00310                                         if (aucListIt->cell.x == reachableListIt->cell.x && 
00311                                                 aucListIt->cell.y == reachableListIt->cell.y)
00312                                         {
00313                                                 sprintf(sms,"BID %d %d %d %f\n", getDir(), aucListIt->cell.x, aucListIt->cell.y, reachableListIt->profit); 
00314 //                                              printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] --> SEND %s",number,&sms[0]);
00315                                                 sendMessage(string(sms),aucListIt->auctioner);                                                  // reply the BID
00316                                         }
00317                                 }
00318                                 // actualizamos los de la lista
00319                                 if (targetList.size()>0){
00320                                         for (targetListIter = targetList.begin(); targetListIter!= targetList.end(); ){                 // >> if it comes from the target list  
00321                                                 bool erased = false;
00322                                                 if (targetListIter->cell.x == reachableListIt->cell.x &&
00323                                                         targetListIter->cell.y == reachableListIt->cell.y)
00324                                                 {
00325                                                         if (reachableListIt->utility>0.0011){                                                                   // update the target list
00326                                                         //if (omap->isfrontier(reachableListIt->cell.x,reachableListIt->cell.y))
00327                                                                 targetListIter->profit = reachableListIt->profit;
00328                                                                 targetListIter->utility = reachableListIt->utility;
00329                                                                 targetListIter->cost = reachableListIt->cost;
00330                                                         }
00331                                                         else{                                                                                                   // remove from list if profit < 0
00332                                                                 //printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] low utility, removing target\n", number);                                                          
00333                                                                 targetListIter = targetList.erase(targetListIter); 
00334                                                                 erased = true;
00335                                                         }
00336                                                 }
00337                                                 if (!erased) ++targetListIter;
00338                                         }
00339                                         if (targetList.size() ==0){
00340                                                 listEmptied = true;      // HE CAMBIADO ESTO                    
00341                                                 //printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] list is empty\n", number); 
00342                                         }
00343                                 }
00344                                 // sacamos a subasta las nuevas fronteras                                                                       // >> if it comes from the frontier list
00345                                 for (clusterListIt = clusterList.begin(); clusterListIt!= clusterList.end(); clusterListIt++){
00346                                         if (clusterListIt->x == reachableListIt->cell.x && clusterListIt->y == reachableListIt->cell.y 
00347                                                 && reachableListIt->utility>0.0011)
00348                                         {
00349                                                 if (!listwasempty){                                                                             // Broadcast Auction
00350                                                         sprintf(sms,"AUCTION %d %d %d %f\n", getDir(), reachableListIt->cell.x, reachableListIt->cell.y,  reachableListIt->profit); 
00351 //                                                      printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] --> SEND %s",number,&sms[0]);
00352                                                         sendMessage(string(sms),-1);
00353                                                         bool found = false;                                                     
00354                                                         for (targetListIter = targetList.begin(); targetListIter!= targetList.end(); targetListIter++){ // si se a reasignado a otro lo borramos de la lista
00355                                                                 if (targetListIter->cell.x == reachableListIt->cell.x && targetListIter->cell.y == reachableListIt->cell.y){
00356                                                                         found = true;
00357                                                                         break;
00358                                                                 }
00359                                                         }
00360                                                         if (!found){
00361                                                                 reachableListIt->auctionEnds = 5;
00362                                                                 reachableListIt->bestOfferID=getDir();
00363                                                                 reachableListIt->bestOfferProfit=reachableListIt->profit;
00364                                                                 targetList.push_back(*reachableListIt);                                                         // lo guardamos en el target list
00365                                                         }
00366                                                         else{
00367                                                                 targetListIter->auctionEnds = 5;
00368                                                                 targetListIter->bestOfferID=getDir();
00369                                                                 targetListIter->bestOfferProfit=reachableListIt->profit;                                                                
00370                                                         }
00371                                                 }
00372                                                 else{
00373                                                         reachableListIt->auctionEnds = 0;                                                       
00374                                                         targetList.push_back(*reachableListIt);
00375                                                 }
00376                                                 break;
00377                                         }
00378                                 }
00379                         }
00381 //                      printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] targetList size after replanning = %d\n",number, targetList.size());
00383                         // ordenamos los targets de la lista y elegimos el mejor
00384                         if (targetList.size()){
00385                                 targetList.sort();
00386                                 //for (targetListIterRev = targetList.rbegin(); targetListIterRev != targetList.rend(); targetListIterRev++ ){
00387                                         //if (targetListIterRev->auctionEnds==0){
00388                                                 //dest = targetListIterRev->cell;
00389                                                 //break;
00390                                         //}
00391                                 //}
00392                                 dest = targetList.back().cell;
00393                                 cm->getPath(dest,path);                 
00394                         }
00395                         else if(!listEmptied){  // HE CAMBIADO ESTO
00396 //                              printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] No path to frontiers, stopping exploration\n",number);
00397                                 endExploration = true;
00398                                 completedPath = true;
00399                                 char sms[100];
00400                                 sprintf(sms,"END %d", getDir()); 
00401                                 sendMessage(string(sms),-1);
00402                         }
00403                         delete cm;
00404                         completedPath = false;
00405                         newTargets    = false;
00406 //                      printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PLANNING END >>>>\n",number);
00407 //                      printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] destination: %d, %d, path ini (%d,%d) \n",number, dest.x,dest.y, path.back().x, path.back().y);
00408                 }
00410                 // Seguimos con la ruta
00411                 else {
00412                         // quitamos el punto de la lista si hemos llegado
00413                         for (targetListIter = targetList.begin(); targetListIter!= targetList.end(); targetListIter++){
00414                                 if (abs(targetListIter->cell.x-poscell.x) <= 1 && abs(targetListIter->cell.y-poscell.y) <=1){
00415                                         targetListIter = targetList.erase(targetListIter);      
00416                                         break;
00417                                 }
00418                         }
00420                         // verificamos que el path sea transitable
00421                         bool obstructedPath = false;
00422                         vector<point>::reverse_iterator riter;
00423                         if(path.size()>1) { 
00424                                 for ( riter = path.rbegin(); riter != path.rend(); riter++ )
00425                                         if (omap->isoccupied(riter->x,riter->y)) { 
00426 //                                              printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] obstructed\n",rbase->getNumber()); 
00427                                                 obstructedPath = true;
00428                                                 break;
00429                                         }
00430                         }
00431                         // verificar distancia al destino || obstruccion para path completado
00432                         if((sqrt(pow((float)(path.front().x-poscell.x),2) + pow((float)(path.front().y-poscell.y),2)) <= 3.0)  || obstructedPath){
00433 //                              printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] completed\n",rbase->getNumber()); 
00434                                 completedPath = true;
00435                         }
00436                         else { // No hemos llegado al final seguimos avanzando
00437                                 bool found=false;                               
00439                                 //IplImage* im = (showPlanner)? omap->getMapAsImage() : 0;
00440                                 //if (showPlanner){
00441                                 //      cvCircle(im,cvPoint(poscell.x, omap->getHeight()-1-poscell.y),0,CV_RGB(255,0,0),-1); //posicion rojo    
00442                                 //      for (unsigned int i = 0;i < path.size(); i++)
00443                                 //              cvCircle(im,cvPoint(path[i].x, omap->getHeight()-1-path[i].y),0,CV_RGB(255,0,255),-1); // path magenta
00444                                 //      cvShowImage(mywindowstr,im);
00445                                 //}
00447                                 if(path.size()>=1) {
00448                                         for ( riter = path.rbegin(); riter != path.rend(); riter++ ){
00449                                                 bool visible = true;
00450                                                 int size;
00451                                                 point* line = omap->getLine(poscell.x,poscell.y,riter->x,riter->y,size);
00453                                                 for (int p = 0; p < size; p++){
00454                                                         if (p > 1 && omap->isoccupied(line[p].x,line[p].y,1)){ 
00455                                                                 visible = false; 
00456                                                                 break;
00457                                                         }
00458                                                 //      else
00459                                                 //              cvCircle(im,cvPoint(line[p].x, omap->getHeight()-1-line[p].y),0,CV_RGB(0,255,0),-1); // visual green
00460                                                 }
00461                                                 //cvShowImage(mywindowstr,im);
00462                                                 //cvWaitKey(2);
00463                                                 delete [] line;
00464                                                 if (visible) { // is visible
00465                                                         goal.x = riter->x;
00466                                                         goal.y = riter->y;
00467                                                         if (found) path.pop_back();
00468                                                         else found = true;
00469                                                         //path.pop_back();
00470                                                         double dist = sqrt(pow(poscell.x-goal.x,2) + pow(poscell.y-goal.y,2));
00471                                                         if ( dist > 1.5/omap->getResolution()) break;
00472                                                 }
00473                                                 else break;
00474                                         }
00475                                 }
00476                                 if(!found){
00477                                         completedPath = true;  // algo falla ninguna celda de la ruta es visible
00478 //                                      printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] no visible cells\n",rbase->getNumber()); 
00479                                 }
00480                                 //if (showPlanner) cvReleaseImage(&im);
00482                         }
00483 //                      printf("[MARKETPLANNER] [robot %d] next goal: (%d,%d) - current pos (%d,%d)\n",rbase->getNumber(),goal.x, goal.y, ori.x,ori.y);                                         
00484                 }
00486                 // visualizacion
00487 //              if (showPlanner && rbase->getNumber()==0){
00488 //                      cvCircle(im,cvPoint(poscell.x, omap->getHeight()-1-poscell.y),0,CV_RGB(255,0,0),-1); //posicion rojo
00489 //                      cvCircle(im,cvPoint(poscell.x+avancex[], omap->getHeight()-1-poscell.y-avancey[]),0,CV_RGB(0,0,255),-1); // orientacion azul
00490 //                      for (unsigned int i = 0;i < path.size(); i++)
00491 //                              cvCircle(im,cvPoint(path[i].x, omap->getHeight()-1-path[i].y),0,CV_RGB(255,0,255),-1); // path magenta
00492 //                      if (targetList.size()>0)
00493 //                              for (targetListIter = targetList.begin(); targetListIter!= targetList.end(); targetListIter++ )
00494 //                                      if (targetListIter->auctionEnds==0)
00495 //                                              cvCircle(im,cvPoint(targetListIter->cell.x , omap->getHeight()-1-targetListIter->cell.y),1,CV_RGB(255,0,0),-1); // targets red
00496 //                                      else
00497 //                                              cvCircle(im,cvPoint(targetListIter->cell.x , omap->getHeight()-1-targetListIter->cell.y),1,CV_RGB(0,255,0),-1); // targets red
00498 //                      cvShowImage(mywindowstr,im);
00499 //                      cvWaitKey(5);
00500 //                      cvReleaseImage(&im);
00501 //              }
00503                 delete omap;
00504                 delete ppmap;
00506                 //      modificar los enables/goal de la parte reactiva
00507                 if (completedPath)      reac->disableAll();                             // paramos el robot hasta planificar de nuevo
00508                 else{
00509 //                      printf("\t\t\t\t\t[robot %d] **************************************  Following Path\n",number);
00511                         reac->setGoal(goal);
00512                         reac->enableGoToGoal();
00513                         reac->enableAvoidObstacles();                                   
00514                         reac->disableAvoidOtherRobots();
00515                         reac->disableGoToFrontier();
00516                         reac->disableGoToUnexploredZones();
00517                         reac->disableGoToPrecisePoses();        
00518                 }
00520                 // write logs
00521                 if (logstr)     fprintf(plannerlog,"%d, %d, %d, %d\n", nextStep, completedPath, poscell.x, poscell.y);
00522         }
00524 //      if (showPlanner && rbase->getNumber()==0) cvDestroyWindow(mywindowstr);
00526         //closing logs
00527         if (logstr)     fclose(plannerlog);
00529 //      printf("[robot %d] stoping robot", number);
00530         reac->disableAll();
00531         reac->stop();
00533         closing.unlock();
00534         explorationFinished.step();
00535 }
00537 int MarketPlanner::utility(const gridMapInterface& omap, const binMap& esz){
00538         int value=0;    
00539         for (int i = esz.getRoi().x ; i < esz.getRoi().x + esz.getRoi().width ; i++){
00540                 for (int j = esz.getRoi().y ; j < esz.getRoi().y + esz.getRoi().height ; j++){   // for each cell
00541                         if (esz.get(i,j) && omap.isunknown(i,j)){
00542                                 value++;
00543                         }
00544                 }
00545         }
00546         return value;
00547 }
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