MRXT: The Multi-Robot eXploration Tool
Multi-Robot autonomous exploration and mapping simulator.
Signals | Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Private Member Functions
simulatedModel Class Reference

This class implements a virtual world for robots where robots can move and observe the environment. More...

#include <simulatedModel.h>

Inheritance diagram for simulatedModel:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.


void changedPositions (rposes poses)

Public Member Functions

 simulatedModel ()
 default constructor
 simulatedModel (int nBots, ConfigFile &configfile, float sampletime)
virtual ~simulatedModel ()
robotBasecreateNewPlatform ()
void disablePlatform (const robotBase &r)
double evaluateVMap (visualMap &vm) const
int fire (int robot)
landmarksDatagetLandmarksData (int robot)
 returns the landmarks data
int getNumRobots ()
posegetOdometry (int robot)
 returns the robot odometry
const char * getOMapFileName () const
QPixmap * getPixmap ()
rposes getPoses () const
rangeSensorDatagetRangeSensorData (int robot)
 returns the range sensor current data
float getSampleTime () const
float getTime () const
void initialize (int nagents, ConfigFile &configfile, float sampletime)
 initializes a virtual world with "nBots" robots in the scenario "scene" and initial poses given by "test"
void loadMapFile (const ConfigFile &config)
 load a map file
void randomPoses (bool group, double maxInitialPoseDist, double minInitialPoseDist)
void reset ()
void setLogName (const char *)
 sets the name of the log file
void setNumRobots (int num)
void setSpeed (int r, float v, float w)
 sets the linear and angular speed for a robot

Public Attributes

production synchronizer

Protected Member Functions

void redrawing ()

Protected Attributes

float alfa1
float alfa2
 odometry params
float alfa3
 odometry params
float alfa4
 odometry params
float aperture
float betaMAX
double camx
double camy
 camera position
double camz
 camera position
ClMutex closing
 stop condition
float Cx
float Cxp
float Cy
int desclength
 wall / obstacles
float devError
 sonar parameters
float distMAX
float distMIN
float drifttrans
 odometry params
float elapsedTime
bool endth
 wall / obstacles
float f
float gammaMAX
float gammamax
int height
float I
int idCounter
int imgheight
int imgwidth
 odometry params
std::vector< featurelandmarks
 robot positions
char * logstr
bool mapLoaded
std::vector< linemapWall
float maxDist
int maxNumRobots
float maxx
float maxy
float minDist
float minx
float miny
int nBots
ClMutex newIdsMutex
 syncronization mutex on closing
int numfeat
int numSensors
 camera position
char * omapfilename
robotBase ** rbase
float RealCx
float RealCxp
float RealCy
float realError
float Realf
float RealI
std::vector< double > robot_footprint
std::vector< poserobotPose
std::vector< std::vector< line > > robots_lines
bool * robotsEnabled
double rx
 camera position
double ry
 camera position
double rz
 camera position
float sample_time
float scalex
 sensor covariance matrix
float scaley
matrix Scam
bool showsimulation
float sigma2c
float sigma2cp
float sigma2Cx
float sigma2Cxp
float sigma2Cy
float sigma2d
float sigma2f
float sigma2I
float sigma2r
float sigmac
float sigmacp
float sigmaCx
float sigmaCxp
float sigmaCy
float sigmad
float sigmaf
float sigmaI
float sigmar
int step
int width

Private Member Functions

pos3d base2cam (const pos3d &p)
 translates a position in the robot's frame of reference to the camera frame of reference
pos3d cam2base (const pos3d &p)
 translates a position in the camera frame of reference to the robot's frame of reference
pose3d camPose (const pose &robotpose)
 returns the pose of the camera
void drawRobots (IplImage *&img)
void execute ()
 primary execution loop
IplImage * getMapImage ()
void motionSample (const pose &lastPose, const pose &newPose, const pose &lastodo, pose &newodo)
 creates a new odometry reading
void onStop ()
 called before stopping
void robotMotion (pose &pos, const speed &vel, float st)
 moves the robot with speed vel for time st
int setup ()
 set up for the execution thread
void simCamAdquisition (const pose &robotpos, landmarksData &lmData, int nr)
 captures features from camPose
void simRangeAdquisition (const pose &realPose, rangeSensorData &sonarData, int r)
 simulates sonar/laser readings
bool testVisibility (const pos3d &realPose, const pos3d &mark, int nr)
 auxiliary function to test when a feature is visible or not
void update_footprint (int r)
float visibilityDistance (const pose &ori, const pose &dest, int nr)
 returns the distance from ori to dest or the first wall in that direction

Detailed Description

This class implements a virtual world for robots where robots can move and observe the environment.

Definition at line 59 of file simulatedModel.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Functions Variables Typedefs